Chapter 2: Cheesy.

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9:30 am.

That was the time where Trophy stopped jogging, he had cleared his head from the fresh air, which was something he wished for all the time while being in the hotel.

Trophy stretched and went back inside to see pretty much everyone awake and chatting, a few notable interactions he saw were Paintbrush and Yang (who Test Tube let separate from Yin for a few hours a day), Fan and Cheesy, and Oj and Paper. He decided to go talk to Fan and Cheesy. "Hey trophy!! How was that jog? Was it 'gouda?'" Cheesy joked, slapping his knee before waiting for Trophys response. "It was fine, I guess." Trophy said, rolling his eyes a bit at Cheesys joke, even if he thought it was kinda funny. "What are you gonna do for the rest of the day?" Fan asked Trophy, smiling at him. "Nothin much, I guess. Probably gonna do my normal 'routine'," he said, putting air quotes when he said routine. Cheesy smiled at Trophy, and raised his eyebrow. "I'm sur'prized'" Cheesy kneeslapped before speaking again, "that you even have a routine, Trophy! You seem to do your own thing most of the time." Cheesy said, doing awkward finger guns at Trophy while Fan laughed a bit.

Trophy then heard footsteps behind him. "Hey Fan, I need you for something." Trophy heard, turning around to see Test Tube, in her normal lab coat and turtleneck, speaking to Fan. "Okay!! What are we doing??" Fan said as he waved his arms around, stimming a little bit, Test Tube smiled before speaking again. "You'll see, come on." She said to him. "Okay! Bye guys!" Fan waved to Trophy and Cheesy, then followed Test Tube to wherever her lab even was.

Trophy turned back to Cheesy, and then spoke. "So, wanna go somewhere?" Trophy asked, smiling a bit, it was only noticeable to people near him. "Sure! How about we go outside?" Cheesy asked, smiling widely. "Yeah, sure, let's go." Trophy said before turning to the door and walking, hearing cheesy follow behind him before coming beside him. "Sooo, how was your night?" Cheesy asked. "Honestly? Shitty." Trophy said truthfully, as he only really trusted cheesy and soap (because she would clean tissues mess) with his complaints. "Aw, shucks. How long did you sleep?" Cheesy asked in a bit of a worried tone, adjusting his bowtie that he was wearing. "Fuckin.. 4 hours? I don't know." Trophy said as they walked together. "Only four?? Trophy! That's not a 'grate' amount of sleep!" Cheesy slapped his knee before speaking again. "No but seriously, sleep more please." Cheesy requested lightly. "I'm trying, dude." Trophy dismissed Cheesys request a bit, he would love to sleep more, don't get him wrong, but he couldn't take all the sleep sneezing and snoring from tissues, even if it wasn't his fault. "Well, I'm glad you're trying, really." Cheesy said as he smiled softly to Trophy, making Trophy blush a small bit. "Thanks man. I think I needed that." Trophy looked away from him to see the view of buildings far away.

Trophy and Cheesy walked more as they had a few conversations, mostly filled with Trophy coming up with a topic and cheesy saying his opinion or making jokes about the topic, generally having a good time with each other as they hung out, having alone time with each other on a nice day like this one.

Trophy and Cheesy walked more as they had a few conversations, mostly filled with Trophy coming up with a topic and cheesy saying his opinion or making jokes about the topic, generally having a good time with each other as they hung out, having al...

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12 pm.

Trophy and Cheesy finally start to go back to the hotel, both smiling after the hangout they just had. "Hey, dude." Trophy looked down at cheesy. "Yeah?" Cheesy asked Trophy. "I wanted to say," trophy knelt down to Cheesys level. "Thanks for today, ya dork." Trophy said, then giving Cheesy a light kiss on the cheek, making cheesy a bit flustered. "Ah- i-it's nothing! Really!" Cheesy smiled dorkily at Trophy before Trophy stood up again. "Let's go inside now, mkay?" Trophy asked, raising his eyebrow and pursing his lips (duck lips teehee). "Sure-" Cheesy said, still recovering from the small kiss, rubbing his cheek to hide the blush, and also to rub the kiss off.

So, they both walked in, and sat together at the table.

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