Chapter 9: More games, a walk, then a break.

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Fan and Cheesy had come back a bit ago, and Trophy had talked to them, and went back to playing afterwards.

"Alright, I need a break from this game man," Trophy said, stretching a bit after yet another game had ended. "Oh c'mon! One more." Balloon said, smiling cheekily while Trophy waved him off, "I think I've gotten my gaming fill for the day." Trophy responded, crossing his arms and smiling before hearing footsteps behind himself.

He looked behind and saw Nickel. "Hey. Can I play?" He asked, making Trophy give him his controller, "Sure, take my spot dude." Trophy said, standing up, making Nickel look surprised. "Oh- thanks I guess?" Nickel raised his eyebrow, and Trophy felt like Nickel was staring right into his brain, like he knew something.

But as quickly as that feeling came in, it left as Nickel stopped staring at him, and instead played the game. "I'm gonna fucking win this." Nickel said, making Pickle scoff. "Hell no! You've never even played this game!" Pickle said, making Nickel roll his eyes. "Shut up! I'm way better at this than you," Nickel said, even though Trophy wasn't even sure Nickel knew how to move around in the game.

As expected by Trophy, Pickle beat Nickel at the game, making Nickel yell. "FUCK! THAT WAS ALL LUCK, MY CONTROLLER WAS FUCKING UP!" Nickel said, making Pickle laugh as everyone else felt a bit awkward. "Whatever man! I'm just better!" Pickle said, cracking his knuckles.

Trophy raised an eyebrow at both of them, "I'ma go for a run now, seeya." Trophy waved and then walked away, not really paying attention to whether or not they acknowledged him leaving or not.

As Trophy walked around alone, he began thinking about the past events that had happened. 'You didn't even need to kill oj.' He thought, making him look on the ground, and close his eyes, still walking. 'I did it in self defense.' he thought to himself, trying to counter the intrusive thoughts. 'Whatever makes you sleep at night, murderer.' Trophy thought, closing his eyes harder and starting to hit himself on the his with his fist. He hit himself multiple times before hearing a familiar voice.


Trophy looked up to see Soap, who looked concerned for him. "Oh. Hey Soap, how are you?" He asked. "I think I should ask that to you-" She said, frowning a bit. "Are you okay?" Soap asked, making Trophy question himself.

Was he okay? He didn't know, he didn't know a lot of things, especially since these past few days have gone by.

He snapped out of his thinking and responded. "Yeah, I'm just stressed, that's all." He said, smiling at Soap, who smiled as well. "Alright, just make sure to tell me if you're ever feeling bad and I'll do my best to help you." Soap said. Trophy smiled at her, "Thanks I guess, have a good one." Trophy walked away after saying that, hearing a goodbye from Soap.

Trophy continued his walk, looking on his phone at the time.


He decided to walk a bit more, and then allow himself to go back inside.

In the meantime, he would try to think happier thoughts, although it could be hard, he mostly tried thinking of cheesy, which worked for the most part.

At 5:40pm he finally went back inside and upstairs to his room, seeing Cheesy hanging out with Fan. "Hi you two," Trophy said, smiling and going over to the others, who were sitting on the floor. "Hi Trophy! I see you feel better!" Cheesy said, smiling widely. "Yeah, I think I feel better, at least." Trophy said, chuckling a small bit before looking on his phone to see a notification from.. nickel?

' Hey Trophy. Meet me in my room tonight. '

Trophy raised an eyebrow.

' why ' he texted back,

"You texting someone?" Fan asked, making Trophy look up from his phone. "I'm just replying to someone." Trophy said, leaving it ambiguous.

' Just wanna hang out '

Trophy rolled his eyes, but put a thumbs up on nickels chat, thinking that maybe it would be fine. He then put his phone away and looked back at the other two, scooting towards cheesy and then hugging him. "I missed you today." Trophy said, smiling. Cheesy giggled and replied. "I missed you too, Trophy!" Trophy smiled at the response, and kissed Cheesys forehead making Cheesy smile widely. "I looove you Trophy!" Cheesy said, making Trophy blush while his heart fluttered. "I love you more, dork-" "AHEM!" Fan interrupted, raising an eyebrow. "This isn't a date- and I'm not third wheeling!" Fan said, making Trophy laugh a bit. "Alright, alright, I'll be less GAY for you." Trophy said, stopping the hug with Cheesy and making Fan chuckle a bit.


The three had talked for a while, until Fan left for an unknown reason, but Trophy didn't care too much, as long as Cheesy was with him he was happy. "Soooo," he said, tapping his fingers together. "Hm?" Cheesy asked, eyes looking into Trophys, which filled him with happy thoughts.

Trophy hugged Cheesy and laid down, starting to cuddle him. "Heyyy! Hehe." Cheesy protested lightheartedly, kissing Trophys cheek. "You make me so happy, you're so silly." Trophy said, kissing Cheesys cheek back.

As they cuddled, Cheesy started to look tired. "I wanna go to beedd Trophy.." Cheesy said, his eyes drooping a bit due to tiredness. "Aw, okay." Trophy said, standing up and holding Cheesy, making Cheesy yelp before smiling.

Trophy then put Cheesy onto the other bed, and tucked him in. "Goodnight, love!" Trophy said, Cheesy looking up at him. "Goodnight."

Cheesy then laid on his side and closed his eyes, Trophy went back to the other bed and looked on his phone, only to see a text from Nickel.

'You coming? '

Trophy sighed and remembered that he promised he would.

' Hold on. ' Trophy said, then he got up.

((Sorry for no drawing, I wanted to release a chapter and I felt a drawing would make it take too much longer,

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