Chapter 3: The Rooftop.

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Almost everyone was downstairs, either eating lunch or hanging out. Trophy and Cheesy were eating lunch together as Cheesy led the conversation whilst Trophy took the time to look around the room, the only notable interactions were Pickle and Knife playing videogames, and Oj and Paper talking about Financial stuff.

"Hey Trophy?" Cheesy asked, making Trophy look back at him. "Hm?" Trophy asked, raising an eyebrow. "Y'know, we should really share a room one day." Cheesy said, smiling at Trophy. "You honestly deserve it after you've changed so much," Cheesy said, smiling up to Trophy.

'Do I really deserve that?' Trophy thought to himself. Sure, people have started liking him more, but he thought that was because they just got to know him more.

"Yeah, we should." Trophy answered the first question and left the statement unanswered, continuing to eat his lunch as he thought more on this, letting Cheesy talk about whatever while he nodded and ate, he felt good right now, but he couldn't get a sinking feeling from of his chest that suggested something, but he didn't know what.


This was the time where Trophy went back into his room, as he went in, he saw Tissues, who was fast asleep. Trophy sighed in relief, smiling to himself because he would be allowed to relax and not get sneezed on as much, he put Tissues covers more over him as to help him sleep better, then went into the bathroom to take a shower (after getting some clothing, of course).

Trophy got out of the bathroom, his shower lasting to about 30 minutes, he got out feeling refreshed, and he put on some comfy sweatpants and a t-shirt. As Trophy went back to his bed, he looked on his phone to see a few notifications.

'Hey Trophy, meet me on the Rooftop of the hotel sometime after Nine.'

The next one was a missed call from Oj.

Trophy sighed in an annoyed tone, and got up to go to the elevator, but before that, he put on a hoodie and some gloves, since the night would be cold. He went to the top floor, which was the roof, and waited to get out of the elevator.


He got out of the elevator and walked over to Oj, who was standing there and waiting for him. "Hey, what did you need me for, and why is it up here?" Trophy asked, not being in the mood for anything right now. "Hello, Trophy." Oj said, having his phone in his hands. "Thank you for joining me, I just have a simple request." Oj said, smiling. "Okay, what is it?" Trophy asked as he crossed his arms, raising his eyebrow. "Well, I've noticed that you didn't pay part of your bill for this month, as it shows here." Oj said, pointing to something on his phone.

No worries, just a misunderstanding, right? "I think you have the wrong person Oj," He said as nice as he could, "I already paid paper fully today, he asked me to." Trophy explained, putting his arm out to exaggerate. "Well, no. Because it says here that you didn't." Oj said, stating his point again before Trophy spoke. "Dude, I'm telling you, I paid him, and I can't pay again." Trophy said, getting a bit angry.

"Well, I'm afraid that you'll have to be kicked out then, Trophy," Oj said in a somber tone, "What the hell? I just told you that I paid, ask Paper." Trophy said, almost yelling. "I'm telling you that no the fuck you didn't." Oj snapped back, stepping closer to Trophy.

Trophy couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Back the fuck off!" He said to Oj. "I already fucking paid, and if you kick me out, I'm going to be homeless, you fucker!" Trophy said, pointing at Oj. "Quit fucking lying Trophy!" Oj said, not loud enough for anyone else to hear, but loud enough to hurt Trophy's ears. Trophy started to breath heavily, out of anxiety and anger, would he lose everything? Would he lose his home? His job? Cheesy..?

"I'm telling you, fucking ask Paper!" Trophy snapped, backing away from Oj a bit. But, Oj stepped right back into Trophy's space. "Listen you fucker, I'm not gonna take-" Oj kept speaking about this until Trophy snapped, and pushed him away.

It was supposed to be a light shove.

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!" he said, pushing Oj.

Oj then stumbled backwards and dropped his phone onto the roof, then he got back up in Trophy's face. "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?!" Oj yelled, being thankful that the roof was thick enough so that people wouldn't hear. Oj then slapped Trophy and punched him straight afterwards, to which Trophy punched back, harder.

//Tw, stabbing, bright colors, scary(?) Imagery.

As they fought each other, Ojs pen came out of his shirt pocket. Trophy picked it up and tried to scratch Oj with it, but he missed where he wanted and stabbed oj right in the eye, the pen now sticking out of it while blood started gushing out.

 Trophy picked it up and tried to scratch Oj with it, but he missed where he wanted and stabbed oj right in the eye, the pen now sticking out of it while blood started gushing out

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Oj let out an excruciating scream and stumbled backwards off the roof, falling off, Trophy ran to the edge and looked over, breathing heavily and panicking at the sight.

After 4 seconds, which felt like 4 hours to both of them, Oj hit the ground and broke his neck, making his head look like it was on backwards, dying immediately.

Trophy took a few seconds to stare, then stumbled backwards onto the ground, breathing heavily to the point of hyperventilating. "What the fuck did I just do?!" Trophy asked himself as he looked at his gloved hands, no blood was on himself, thankfully, but he looked over to the part where the fight had ended. There was definitely blood there.

Trophy, thinking quickly, grabbed Ojs now cracked phone, which was thankfully still on so he didn't have to guess his password. He then deleted all of the texts from 9pm that OJ had sent, then he speed walked down the stairs to keep himself quiet as to not alert anyone.

Trophy went back into his room, thankful that Tissues was still asleep. He grabbed his own phone and deleted the texts that Oj sent him on there, leaving no trace that he was texted.

Trophy then laid on his bed, and cried, softly as to not wake up Tissues.

Would he go to jail? He didn't mean it, it was self defense, right??

Trophy put himself under his covers and hoped to wake up to a normal day, hoping that everything that just happened was some crazy dream.

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