Chapter 23: Legendary Knight Critias

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NOTE: ...duels continued from last chapter:
R Cards in Hand = 4 / Cards on Field = 1 face-down spell/trap
M Cards in Hand = 2 / Cards on Field = Field Spell Mirror Labyrinth; Sad Story - Atrocious Day, Sad Story - Unwavering Truth, Sad Story - Sorrowful Memories; 1 face-down spell/trap; Dragon Queen of Tragic Endings [1900/2600] in Attack Position

K Cards in Hand = 2 / Cards on Field = Field Spell Pandemonium; 1 face-down spell/trap; Tragoedia [2CiH x 600 = 1200 ATK/DEF] in Attack Position
A Cards in Hand = 2 / Cards on Field = 1 face-down spell/trap; Black Rose Dragon [2400/1800] in Attack Position, Violet Witch [1100/1200] in Attack Position


How long, baby, have I been away?
It feels like ages though you say it's only days.
There ain't language for the things I've seen,
And the truth is stranger than my own worst dreams


(Meet Me in the Woods - Lord Huron)

Chapter 23

The crystal dome above gleamed fuchsia with the blend of the Pandemonium Field Spell's scarlet clouds and Misty's violet geoglyph. I at least had some sort of plan of action against the wicked god now.

Young dragon?

What would the Crimson Dragon need right now?

Have you recalled any long-lost memories?

One memory I had was from Roman, and that trick led to Martha's downfall. The second was my moment with Timaeus. I hadn't remembered beyond that.

I see. A mixture of relief and trepidation plagued his tone. I wondered what could be wrong. He said, Do not fear. You are working hard to defend the afflicted Signer, are you not?

For Aki? Absolutely. If even the Dragon could sense an altering to her usual personality, there must've been something really wrong. Why would he say that now, though? Was he surprised I finally followed through on his 'protect the Signers' shtick? I mean, I've accomplished it several times already.

He offered no answer. Meanwhile, the duel behind me distracted me from my own. Kalin faced Aki. He bore the fresh wound on his upper arm with a grin. "It's my move now! I sacrifice Tragoedia to summon Archfiend of Gilfer in attack position, and I'll use it to destroy Violet Witch!"

Aki's life points dropped to 2900. The black-winged fiend passed through her. "It didn't hurt me?"

Kalin tapped his temple. "Only Dark Signers can make Shadow Duels."

"You're not so lucky," Aki shouted. "Violet Witch lets me add a monster to my hand from my deck, so I choose Phoenixian Seed. Your monster isn't as strong as my legendary Signer Dragon!"

"Too true. A filthy, evil Satellite like me can't hope to stand up to one of the saviors of the world. I end my turn."

Aki's crimson sign cast a ghastly red sheen upon her glower. "You finally know your place. I summon Phoenixian Seed and use its effect, tributing it to summon Phoenixian Cluster Amaryllis. Black Rose Dragon, attack Archfiend of Gilfer!"

"Forgot to add: the clouds above you spell 'gullible!'" Kalin snapped his fingers. "Forbidden Chalice activates, boosting Archfiend's attack by 400 points!"

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