Chapter 30: The Confession

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Location Setting: Transfiguration Classroom

I entered the Transfiguration classroom alongside Ominis and Sebastian and asked, "Professor, you wanted to see us?" We took a peek inside by the door.

I couldn't help but wonder why, Professor Weasley had summoned all three of us. It piqued my curiosity, as it seemed like there was something important that she wanted to discuss.

Sebastian, who had not yet finished his breakfast, had even brought an apple with him.

"Indeed, it has been a while since I last saw you. I can see that you have been keeping busy," she said as she rose from her desk.

As we entered the spacious classroom, I noticed that it was filled with butterflies fluttering about. It appeared that Professor Weasley had transfigured something while waiting for us to arrive.

Upon seeing a familiar face, her expression lit up with contentment. "Mr. Gaunt, it's wonderful to see you again, although you do look quite different today," she said with a smile, noticing Ominis's hair that is still damp.

Ominis then realized that he wasn't properly groomed and began running his fingers through his hair, slicking it back into place.

Professor Weasley directed her attention towards Sebastian and commended him, "Well done, Mr. Sallow. It seems that you have successfully reunited with all of your friends again."

She held her arms high, "Welcome back to Hogwarts to all of you. It seems that you have had quite an adventure," she continued.

I expressed my curiosity to Professor Weasley, asking, "How did you know, Professor? We haven't said anything yet."

"Let's just say that Hogwarts has its secrets," she replied with a mysterious smile.

The statement left me wondering what she meant, but before I could ask further, she continued with a serious tone, "The three of you are remarkable students, but for now, I need you to tone down on your adventures. It's best if you stay in Hogwarts for a while."

We exchanged a puzzled look but quickly nodded in agreement and promised to follow her advice.

"Understood, Professor," Sebastian said respectfully.

"Of course, we'll be more cautious," I added.

"Excellent. Now that Mr. Gaunt is back, I can bid farewell to this letter," she said as she accio a letter and held the withdrawal letter over her wand and we watched as she burnt it. I gazed at it as the Gaunt family crest gradually turned into ashes.

Ominis expressed his gratitude, "Thank you, professor," placing his hand over his chest.

Professor Weasley then mentioned the vial of liquid that I had given to her earlier, before I had departed to the Gaunt Manor.

"I had Professor Sharp analyze its contents. It appears that he has discovered what it is," she said, turning her attention to Ominis and Sebastian, suggested, "Why don't you both go and speak with Professor Sharp about it? I think he's heading to the Hospital Wing."

"Is this the vial we found in the cave?" Sebastian inquired with a hopeful expression, as he gestured towards the words that Professor Weasley had just mentioned.

I nodded in confirmation, and Sebastian's face lit up with a glimmer of hope.

"Let's go, Ominis!" Sebastian gestured, and he followed closely behind. Ominis shot a quick glance at me and whispered, "Meet me later by the grand staircase, alright?"

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