Chapter 9: The Serpent's kiss

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The girl's bathroom is dimly lit and have a row of cubicle along the walls.

I had concealed myself under the invisibility charm near one of the bathroom stalls. From there, I could observe Ominis and Marvolo as they stood in front of the sinks.

Marvolo walked back and forth, his unusually long arms swinging at his sides. I glanced at Ominis, who stood rigidly with an unreadable expression.

A house elf suddenly appeared next to me, giving me a significant look. We locked eyes for a moment before the elf continued on to his master without revealing my presence.

"Gimble bring what master needs, master."

Marvolo look at his house elf, barked at the creature. "You make me wait!" He then kicked the elf aside and turned to Ominis.

"Well, you're a Parselmouth. Show your worth," he said impatiently to Ominis, he then started to hiss incomprehensible words.

The sink began to shift and a stone basin emerged. I watched them from my hiding spot under the disillusionment charm and remembered my earlier conversation with Marvolo on the carriage.

He had seemed disturbingly pleased when he learned of my ability to see curses, he believed I was one of his own. He rambled on about opening the Chamber of Secrets, as it was time to feed their family's "pet".

He despised this time of year and mentioned that he should make his brother do it this time, as he didn't want to bother with such an idiotic task.

He spoke at length about his obsession with pureblood supremacy and how those with pure blood were meant to rule the wizarding world.

As he continued to talk, he revealed more of his twisted mind, speaking of his little brother and their "playtime" where he was too afraid to use the unforgivable curses on Muggleborns.

He seemed to despise his own blood family who's okay with half blood or muggle-born more than anyone, he only deeply care that he is a pureblood and despite his growing fondness for me, I knew I had no choice but to act as I had in the courtyard earlier.

If Marvolo knew how close I am towards them, he would probably disturb Ominis more that usual.

As ordered, Ominis entered the chamber and Marvolo watched as he descended down.

Satisfied, Marvolo turned his attention to the ladies room entrance door and cast it with a charm, ensuring it would remain locked until the chamber is closed again.

With a sense of accomplishment, he left the girl's bathroom, leaving me hidden and alone under the disillusionment charm.

Location Setting: The Chamber of Secret

After dispelling the charm, I jumped in and quickly followed Ominis into the chamber, where he hissed a command to unlock a heavy metal door.

Inside, I saw massive stone pillars and intricate carvings covering the walls, depicting the founding of Hogwarts and scenes of a basilisk attacking its victims.

"Ominis, wait!" I exclaimed. The atmosphere in the chamber is eerie and foreboding, with the sound of dripping water echoing through the stone corridors.

Serpent Can't Fly (Ominis Gaunt x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now