The Scourge Of Odin

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The Scourge Of Odin only has one cure and that dragon was hunted out of existence. So yeah I know what we have to do but I don't want to do it.
We have to make sure the scourge doesn't spread.
So I know what we have to do;
we have to destroy the boat and everyone in it.
We walked further and Viggo slowed even more to get closer to me.
"I sent this fishing boat out six days ago"
"Were there blood hunters on the ship?" I asked. I know the relationship between the hunters that come from their home. I don't know if Viggo shares the same feelings for the other blood hunters. He doesn't show much love past chieftain ship for most hunters. But either way if these people are blood hunters then there will be a tension between the blood hunters that could be, as Viggo puts it, 'Bad for Business'
"Only" He said grimly. Already knowing how the others will react to such a scene.
I nodded not knowing what to say.
We were in the middle of the room now and the half dead hunters surrounded us. Like predators and prey. But we weren't the predators in this case.
"What are we doing here Viggo" I said in the loudest and quickest whisper I could.
"There should be a paper"
"A paper?"
"Yes" He responded without explaining.
He handed me the torch and walked forward a few more steps and I followed. There was a desk that had cabinets along its legs. And every single hunter I have ment, save for Viggo, has been an unorganized slob. How long till we find this paper?
He searched through the desk and my eyes wandered to our surroundings.
They were moaning still and my brain involuntarily focused on that.
Their moans. Their crys for help. Their screams that say I am going to kill you. Their screams and moans that many hunters have probably have sounded because of the punishments of their monstrously cruel ruler. Their monstrously cruel ruler that I am protecting with a torch.
I heard what Heather had said about the hunter stole and I don't know if it was a blood hunter or not. But either way they still had a family even if was not yours or anyone you know. They still had one who probably missed them after you put them to death for stealing a few hides, Viggo.

A screech pulled me out of my thoughts
A pale, slightly green, face with the worst alcohol smelling breath was in my face. His yellow teeth went in for my arm.
In for the kill. The slow painful death that would befall upon me with out the cure.
The death that has already befallen on these poor hunters.
Even if we had the cure from the extinct dragon in our hands; they already are to far gone.

Viggo and HIS hunters, no matter how human my kind and naive heart makes them out to be, are monsters.
They won't even try to save me they wouldn't even send me to valhalla. They would just toss me aside. To be forgotten. Like one would do with a sword that is nolonger perfect. Or was never perfect. Like they were never attached. Why would they be attached to something so imperfect.
I would never see Pa again or Sprout, or Ruff & Tuff, Barf and Belch, Snotlout and HookFang, Fishlegs and Meatlug, Heather and Windshear, Stoick, Hiccup and Toothless, Astrid and Stormfly.
Would they even care.

My thoughts raced faster than me and Sprout I was so focused yet not focused. My heart pounded in my chest and my hand shook the torch. Light flashed across the faces of sick hunters who were taking advantage of my current thoughts to circle me and as all of this is happening at the same time the ugly hunter who is half way on top of me has saliva dripping down my arm-he has not made contact but will in less than a second.
And I can't move.

Thud. <a weird sizzling smell followed by a new disgusting smell of burning human flesh. > The torch fell and went out causing darkness to engulf me and Viggo, but something else fell too and that something else fell onto the fallen torch.
Now I was being carried bridal style out of the boat and though my head was still spinning I heard something about sending the boat back out to sea towards a certain island but didn't understand what island and who was talking although they were close to me. The order was followed by confused questions but I didn't understand those ethier. My brain wasn't working. No single thought was forming and my breathing quickened yet I wasn't breathing any air. The last thing I saw was Sprout and someone waving away his head and worried face with their hand.

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