Sent From The Heavens. To Bring Hell

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We walked in silence. It felt childish-was childish. But I liked how close I was to him. It made me feel safe; breathing in his scent. He smelled similar to smoke but I can't describe it only the feeling I get from it. I think I'm going to puke. It feels like a thousand butterflies are flying in my chest, bouncing off the walls of my stomach and trying to break through to my throat. Despite this I yearn for more, to get closer to him.
I shouldn't be having these feelings. I remind myself. He is Viggo Grimborn. His own big brother is scared of him.
His on brother. I think back to my conversation with Ryker and the tail end of the one bettween Ryker and Viggo.
"You are truly and impressive fighter, my dear" he breaks the silence.
"Thank you" I respond before adding,"What happened bettween you and Ryker?"
His breathing spiked for a moment before settling again to is rhythmic beat that I love.
"Neither of us can bring ourselves to make up"
"Yeah I know that but what do you guys have to make up for"
He hesitated and Ithought he wasn't going to tell me what happened but then he added, "When we were younger Ryker did things, but I have forgave him. However I did one thing and I do not deserve forgiveness. And that thing forever destroyed our relationship"
"It doesn't have to be forever you know." When I see him looking at me I continue,"If you can forgive him than he can forgive you"
He stayed quiet still staring at the path.
"I'm sure you had your reasons. You never act without reason Viggo. That is just not you" I chuckle slightly.
"Yes I believe I did but I..nevermind we need to think about our next action" He turns and puts his hands on my shoulders.
"Against the riders"
"Yes. Now you have been in a rivalry with berk and its riders for some time now, correct?" 
I think back to my false story and decide that it goes along with it and nod.
"Good now you get some rest and meet me tomorrow." He took his hands off my shoulders and I realized we had been at my camp for a while.
How does he make me unaware of everything.
"Here boy" I motioned for Sprout to come in the tent as I held open the flap.
When I looked back he was gone. Just like that.
That is something I've learned about him; he shows up out of nowhere, no sound, no warning and he will scare you just by being right beside you and start talking. And then just as he shows up he can leave without a trace.
I turn back around and go inside my tent.

I changed into more conformable clothing and surrendered myself to the dark amiss.

'A beautiful couple in a grande house. Their house had gold linings and decorations. Bright and new furniture and a glowing fire place. They had it all and they were perfect, most known in their village for their acceptance of everything.
Then the women who had long black hair brushed out with small brown and green beads. She wore a fabulous gown of dark blue with brown fur trimming. The husband had a nicely kept long black beard with his hair pulled back and under his helmet.
With a great look of disgust they lifted the crying baby from the crib. The baby had pretty brown eyes and the start of black hair but the baby for what ever reason was not good enough. It was their blemish in the fabulous world. It wasn't perfect. They weren't attached to it as parents are supposed to be to their children.

The couple put it in a small water proof basket and walked down to the shore. They put a small note in a blue and white shell necklace and set her to sea. Only then did they speak and they did it in unison.
"And let the gods decide your fate"

I woke up sweating reaching for my necklace that resided on my stand near my bed. Sprout started waking up to my panic. I reached into the small locket and pulled out a small note that read, 'Let the gods decide your fate'
"I had the dream again" I explained. Sprout who responded with a sad warble and a small lick. I smiled and told him I would be fine. Small bits of light showed itself from under the tent.
"Well lets get ready for the day" I say moving on and hoping up. My long messy black hair falling in my face and all the way to my knees.
"Ha this will take a minute" I joked while looking in my mirror.

Viggo X OCWhere stories live. Discover now