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Little Robera's loud wailing echoed throughout the vast chamber of white metal

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Little Robera's loud wailing echoed throughout the vast chamber of white metal.

Her black crib was the only thing intact in the wild debris of dried blood and hundreds of rotting flesh around her.

Robera cried, wiggling her soft limbs. Must have been calling out for her mother in her own blubbering language. But she didn't know her mother was lying only a couple feet away from her hooded crib and she would never cuddle or coo at Robera again. Ever.

How could she? They ripped her slender body in half from the belly.

Robera let out a strangled scream. Her doe amber eyes moved in search of her father.

Could he not see how she needed the warmth of his big arms and soft hummings of his deep voice?

But Robera's father was right there, curled up in a lone corner of the chamber. His metal red eyes plucked out. Wires dangling from his slit throat. Sparks of electricity flashed from a gaping hole in his metal chest as pools of black blood formed around his body. His black heart surrounded by the net of iron was lying near his stomach.

Robera wheezed, thrashing against her crib. It was getting close to her feeding time.

But none of the other bodies around her, silver-skinned or gold, paid her any attention. They were busy bathing in their own thick pools of black and red.

At this point, Robera's throat throbbed so hard that even crying felt like a dead man's labor.

Wasn't this supposed to be her six-month blessing ceremony? Why did everybody abandon her?

If Robera could speak, those would have been her words with the way she was crying.

She had been so lost in her misery, she didn't notice that a metal door slid somewhere in the chamber. Robera even missed the thudding noise of metal boots slowly digging into the gray floor.

A tall shadow loomed over the wailing Robera's hooded crib. Thick, metal fingers grabbed the black hood attached to the front edge of the crib and pushed it back, revealing the pale, little girl to the bright world.

Her crying paused for a second at the sudden change in her state. But soon enough, it intensified tenfolds seeing an unfamiliar figure over her face.

He had bald head and red, metal eyes like her father. But his silver skin had jagged, deep scars and he had no lips.

Robera's father had back lips and he always smiled at her unlike this man.

She fliched the moments the man raised his metal arms. No, not arms but big, scary guns.

Soon, a sick crunching noise filled in the room, chorusing with Robera's loud cries.

The gaping barrels of the man's arms morphed into metal knuckles and fingers. The length of the rest of his weapons transformed into wrists, lean forearms, and elbow before finally revealing those bulky biceps.

Robera wiggled harder, kicking at her soft white towel when those cold, metal fingers gently wrapped around her small body.

The man lifted her up and watched as fat tears rolled down Robera's small, pale cheeks.

His keen eyes focused on Robera as if he was witnessing the most interesting event in the history happening right before him.

He did not move. He did not speak. Only counted each of Robera's flowing tear drops. That was until the metal door slid behind him again, revealing more of the silver-skinned, bald heads like him.

Splatters of crimson blood coated their gleaming metal forms matching their red eyes. Sharp axes, long blades, deadly barrels of guns formed their prolonged arms.

They stood behind the tall man in dead silence as if loyal subjects were waiting for the next order from their leader.

The man holding Robera gently folded his arms, pressing her writhing body in the hard plains of his bare chest. His lipless mouth stretched a little.

"Blessed with blood, Robera Sayfix."


Robera was sitting on the floor. Her thin legs sprawled ahead of her as she giggled at BoonBoon the red-eyed Dinosaur. He was clasped in her chubby hands, jumping around with clinks each time his metal feet hit the ground.

"Go, BoonBoon. Go. Yay!"

She laughed as BoonBoon slipped from her fingers and dropped on the ground with a loud clank.

A loud alarm blared afterwards, resulting hundreds of boots thudding from afar. Soon, the black metal door on her right opened and bald heads entered her chamber one after another. Their feet jumped over Robera's other stuffed toys as laser beams shot from their eyes from all around.

Robera giggled, clapping her hands whenever warmth of stray beams tickled her golden skin.

Soon enough, those beams disappeared and the metals hulks turned around to leave. Only they couldn't as a taller, leaner figure slowly entered the room.

Robera's laughter stopped at his sight. She squirmed under his undivided red gaze and looked down. She flinched when he halted beside her little toddler figure.

Metals crunched as he crouched down before her. Without wasting a single word, he picked up BoonBoon and twisted him between his metal fingers.

The moment Robera raised her amber eyes, the man crushed BoonBoon hard in his fist. She yelped in response. Tears gathered in the corner of her eyes as the crumbled remains of BoonBoon rained down on the floor before her.

His lipless mouth twitched as he watched the first drop of tear trickle down Robera's chubby cheek.


"Gone," He tilted his head to the side. "Threat eliminated."

Robera flinched as the man stood up and walked away. The same slow thuds digging deep into the floor.

 The same slow thuds digging deep into the floor

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