Chapter 4 - Return to the Base

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"Erend, we've been waiting for a little while..."

"Just give me another five minutes, okay? By the Forge..."

"Come on, Beta was getting fidgety, I could hear it... You know how she can be. We really need to go!"

"I'm sorry Aloy, I'm just a man! There are things I can't control!"

"Just let me do something about it, then!"

"We already talked about this, brightspark. We are not doing this now. I am not doing this."

"And we are not going to wait here any longer, Erend. Come on, come closer, don't be so scared! You trust me, right?"

He was suspiciously studying her beaming smile, scratching his sideburns, perplexed and visibly not convinced.

"Are you sure...? What if... I'm too big?"

"I guess there's only one way to find out..." She extended her arm to him.

"I don't know, Aloy... I think I'd rather wait a bit longer."

"Trust me... I'm sure that you'll love it."

He grunted, but finally accepted to make a few hesitant steps in her direction. She immediately seized the opportunity and swiftly pulled him against her, snuggling in his arms.

"Hold me tight. Tighter... Good."

She took his hands in hers. "Now put your finger here... and don't let go."

And they jumped.

Or more exactly, she jumped, and pulled him with her off the edge.

Aloy found the perfect way of getting rid of Erend's very obvious erection by deciding to glide together down straight to the Base western entry, having a bit of fun in the process... and another great excuse to have him wrapped around her. She was certain his grip would be tight... Very tight.

Erend couldn't scream, but she knew he wanted to. The whole point of using the glide instead of her machine was discretion, as she didn't want to get the Sunwing's group nearby aware of their presence. They had already almost been caught up during their little... pause at the top of the mountain... After what happened in Scalding Spear, she had had enough fighting for the day.

As they glided down silently to the western entry, she was clinging onto him, helping him steer their way to the platform next to Varl's memorial. He was holding on bravely, even if his erratic breathing and scared "oOohh!" and "aAAah!!" each time they were changing directions were clearly indicating that he was terrified.

Surely, once they landed, his erection wouldn't be a problem anymore.

Erend wanted to take things slow, and she respected that. She wasn't happy about it, but she respected it. She would have never thought she would be so impatient about jumping in bed —or on the back of her Sunwing, for that matter— in order to explore all those new things with him, but now that they were not just friends anymore, there was no point lying to herself: she wanted to have sex. And soon.

Aloy still couldn't really wrap her mind around how she could change so quickly from being the oldest virgin in the known-world, who had even never envisaged a romantic relationship, to her desire flaring up each time they were touching and being literally obsessed by feeling his hands on her skin.

She had stopped fighting all those flashes popping up unbidden in her mind. Fantasies of unclothed bodies, exposed tattoos, little deft fingers tracing old scars... Large calloused hands grabbing her backside, cupping her breast... Feeling his warm breath in her neck, or down, on her stomach... His facial hair brushing her sensitive skin... His tongue traveling all over—

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