Chapter 11~Geminus {II} {Final}

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"Fancy seeing you here," Namjoon said as he stood beside Hoseok's figure seated at the pool's edge, his legs half in, dangling with the water. 

Hoseok scoffed as he continued staring at the water, its reflective lights washing over the two of their frontal bodies. Namjoon took a seat beside him, crossing his legs. 

"I did love her regardless of everything," Hoseok looked at Namjoon as his smile disappeared.

"And you have no idea what to do about it now?"

"Of course, I mean now she's just a werewolf and he's a hybrid so they still have eternity together,"

Namjoon looked down and nodded as he extended his hands backwards and placed his palms on the floor.

"I can't really empathize with you at the moment but all I know is that she is not a good person. She did things you cannot imagine. I am well aware that the love you felt for her is real but the only thing she felt for you is the urge to abuse your usefulness, to get to Yoongi,"

"All this time, all she cared about was her son,"

Namjoon chuckled deeply upon hearing that.


Namjoon looked at him for a brief moment and then cackled a little again.

"No really, what?"

"She doesn't care about her son. She just came back to check on whether the curse still infiltrated him or not,"

"What?! That's it?!" Hoseok widened his eyes as he clutched the watery edge between the water and the floor as he looked at Namjoon.

Namjoon's smile shrunk as he continued to explain.

"No, that's not really it. She used many alphas, many other protectors and wolves out there to get what she wanted. She doesn't just wish to follow him to the ends of the earth but she also wishes to know about those around him. She is the one who sent me after Julia,"

Hoseok didn't say much and ran his tongue along the walls of his mouth, heaving off a huge sigh.

"Alright, I'll stop tryi-"

"How could you have gone through with it?"

He stopped as he heard the only question his ears were trembling to shower in.

"Back then, I had no idea you were in love with her,"

"Did you know recently before you just blindly listened to Seokjin?"

"No, not at all. If I knew, I'd tell you hyung,"


A brief moment of silence erupted until Namjoon decided to break the ice.

"Alright, I have an idea," Namjoon got back up and lent a hand to Hoseok.

"What is it now?"

"This situation is a little too much of a stressful way to deal with shit you can't fix,"

"Then what situation is a better way for you?"

"A party,"

Hoseok was almost done with him at this point but still grabbed his thumb anyway, tightening his grip and raising himself.

"And this isn't a better way for me, it's a better way for you,"


"Chris, it has been quite a while," Calice said as she glared at the man seated on the rock.

"He's the same breed as my mother," Yoongi frowned, assuming that he could be working for Mia.

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