Prologue ~ Fangs

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She yeeted the girl's neck away from her fangs and ran her tongue on her upper lip while exhaling with a smirk displayed on her lips. 

"I can get used to this," She mumbled and dug her fangs into the girl's neck again. 

"You have some nerve to feed on human blood," A female voice said from behind her. 

"Leave me alone Calice," 

"I would but it's not like you're not in love already," 

The hybrid took her fangs out and told the girl to go back home and forget everything that happened, compelling her. She turned around and looked at Calice while wiping the blood off her lips. 

"I know I'm not supposed to drink straight from the vein but come on, you know how badly I crave it," 

"Julia, I know you bit him and now his pack is very much close to abandoning him or killing him maybe but that doesn't mean you don't care," Calice protested. 

"I gave him a choice,"

Calice frowned as she began to follow Julia back to the party.

"He made the one he saw fit,"

Now I can't awaken the sweet and empathetic side of her.  


"You know you're going to be alone now," Yoongi said to Namjoon. 

Namjoon was packing his bags up, about to check out of the motel.

"I know Hyung. I don't want to be a slave and spy on her for life. I am well aware my feelings have changed for her ever since that but look at me! I'm about to die! Or worse?! Melt and turn into a creature exactly like her!"

"Alright, it's your choice," Yoongi said and walked out of the room. 

He went to the railing leading to the outer part of the woods and jumped off before sighing. As he touched the ground, a black cloud covered him and out of it, stepped his black wolf form, with blood-red eyes. He growled and took off into the woods. As he covered the distance between the woods, he felt like he was being followed. He looked to the side and suddenly got yeeted away and rolled on the dirt before being back on his fours. 

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" A female voice said as she walked out of her light brown smoke. 

"Calice," Yoongi said as he turned human again. 

"What did you do to Julia?" Calice asked. 

"I don't know what you're talking about," 

"Okay then, let me explain," 

"Ahem, so I just returned from Julia's and she said she was taken by the twins before she split to her dark and remorseless side, along with the fact that she smelt protector blood on their aura,"

She crossed her arms, waiting for him to admit it.

"Understand now?"

 Yoongi scoffed and shook his head. 

"Oh, then I realised that my blood doesn't drip because I heal very quickly as compared to you, and the impression of our blood is similar so I hope you get it now," 

Calice finished before achieving her wolf form and pouncing on Yoongi. Yoongi grunted and held her head with his back flat on the ground.

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you!" He gave in. 

"So the truth is that he hated himself for spying on Julia. He wanted to tell her but it was too late, Seokjin threw him under the bus before he could tell her he is in love with her,"

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