A strange dream

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Y/N sat in the chair, his mind heavy with fatigue. His head began to droop and his hand instinctively cupped his cheek, supporting his weight.

As he drifted off into a light sleep, he was transported into a dream. In this dream, he saw fragments of what he could only assume were past memories flashing before his eyes, like birds darting in and out of view.

They came in disjointed pieces, too fleeting to make sense of, and too confusing to fit together. Voices mixed together and images crowded in his mind.

Y/N struggled to keep up with the jumbled images, but the emotions that came with them overwhelmed him. He felt a sense of longing, sadness, and regret wash over him. The last thing he could make out was the familiar voice of a man, shouting something about


Suddenly, he jolted awake, gasping for air as he tried to shake off the emotions that still lingered from his dream. It was as if he had witnessed a fleeting glimpse into someone's past, one that left him feeling more confused than ever.

Y/N glanced behind him, seeing his friends still sleeping peacefully. The morning light of dawn peaked just over the east side of the mountain, casting rays of light that made the snow of the mountain seem as if it was glowing.

Y/N rubbed his eyes, huffing as he tried to make sense of anything in his dream. Y/N's ears twitched he thought and thought, being ripped from his thoughts and pulled into reality by a voice suddenly sounding behind him.

"Hey Y/N!"

Paimon practically yelled. Y/N yelped in response, pinning his ears back as he turned to face paimon. He out a finger to his lips and shushed her quietly. She slapped two hands over her mouth before whispering

"Paimon's sorry.."

Y/N sighed, nodding his head before stretching

"Are you ready to leave today? I'm starting to miss my family."

Y/N quietly asked, trying to talk to her about something that would fit her childish mindset after the incident with Timmy as he waited for the others to wake up. Paimon opened her mouth to respond, but was interrupted by a tired hum.

Y/Ns ears flickered to the beds followed by his eyes. Aether had sat himself up, his hair a mess and his eyelids droopy as he rubbed them. His golden pupils glanced at Y/N and then paimon, a light smile gracing his features as he stretched.

"Good morning.."

Aether yawned, making his way slowly over to where Y/N was sitting and plopping down on the chair lazily. The corners of Y/Ns lips tilted slightly upward. Aether was a lot like Razor, in a way.

"..Aether, I hope you don't mind but.. could I braid your hair for you?"

Y/N asked as he ran his eyes along the mess and half undone braid. Aether nodded his head, flipping himself around so that his back faced Y/N.

Y/N gently ran his fingers through Aether's hair, untangling the knots and smoothing out the strands. He sorted gently through each piece, working out any remaining tangles. Aether closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of Y/N's fingers on his scalp.

As Y/N started to braid Aether's hair, he focused on each section, making sure it was neat and even. The cave was quiet, save for the sound of the braid being woven together. Paimon watched  with a smile, happy to see her friends enjoying each other's company in such a peaceful way.

Aether let out a contented sigh as
Y/N finished off the braid. He turned around to face
Y/N and smiled gratefully.

"Thank you, Y/N. It looks great." He said as he inspected it

Y/N smiled back, his heart swelling sudden with affection for the blonde adventurer.

"No problem, Aether. You always look great."

Aether's cheeks dusted a light pink at the complement, and Y/N only gave a barely noticeable smile.

Kaeya woke up only a few minutes later, and Albedo followed momentarily.

Kaeya spent a solid hour fixing his hair and clothes in a mirror that Albedo had set up in his cave before finally speaking to his travel mates.

He greeted them each good morning before asking if they were ready to set off. Y/N, Paimon, and Aether all exchanged glances, before nodding in agreement.

Albedo took his time saying goodbyes to the group as they got their things together. Paimon threw on her coat and Aether packed his little backpack up, while Kaeya made sure he had enough silver stone.

"Thank you for helping me, Albedo. I'm in your debt"

Y/N thanked. Albedo waved his hand dismissively as the group walked down the path of the mountain the same way they had came. The wind more calm during the day time, and easier to see compared to nighttime.

In just a few hours, Mondstat came into view once again, and most importantly to Y/N, he saw the familiar view of the forest trees ahead of him.

He made his way a bit ahead of the group to explain that he was going to take his leave now. Aether and Paimon waved goodbye, and Kaeya sent a flirtatious wink.

Y/N huffed quietly at Kaeya's playful antics, turning around and jogging off into Wolvendom. As he got closer to his packs territory, he could feel his heart rate speed up. He had to admit, he missed Razor dearly even in the short time that he was away.

He dodged trees and jumped over fallen logs as he smelled the familiar scent of his territory. He searched around a bit, carefully looking beyond the trees and using his senses to his advantage.

A howl sounded in the distance, and Y/N followed it happily as if it were someone calling his name. He eventually made it to a small clearing where he found his pack mostly relaxing.

Razor was the first thing on his mind, he glanced around just in time to see razor rushing towards him, throwing himself on top of Y/N and embracing him tightly.

Y/N laughed loudly, hugging Razor even tighter. The two pulled away from the embrace, only to stay close and admire one another. Y/N reached a hand up and ruffled Razor's hair, making him playfully shake his head and try to pull away.

The rest of the day passed by in the blink of an eye.
Y/N told Razor all about Dragonspine, since he knew razor had visited it once before without him, about Albedo and how kind he was, and about Aether and Paimon. Kaeya popped up a few times, but he wasn't relevant (😒)

Stars rose up above the pack as they huddled together. Y/N and Razor laid down together, with Y/N resting against a tree and Razor using his legs as a cushion.
Y/N pet Razors head gently, kissing his forehead goodnight and letting his companion drift peacefully to sleep.

Y/N looked up at the stars, which seemed unusually bright that night. He wondered again about the dream he had, and about the rumor Kaeya spoke of.

Perhaps he should return to Dragonspine and investigate for himself.

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