Scary woman

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Y/N let out a soft huff as the woman walked past him and towards Aether who smiled while looking up at her. He wondered if this was the scary woman that razor had told him about.

"This is-.."

He paused

"Haha, I guess I never really asked. What's your name?"

Aether asked Y/N, awkwardly rubbing his neck. Y/Ns ear twitched slightly


Amber nodded, reaching her hand out happily to shake his. He looked at ambers hand for a while, slowly reaching for it and taking it. Amber shook his hand sturdily with her bright smile.

"It's super great to meet you Y/N! Do you guys care if I sit with you?"

By now, she had already grabbed a chair and was preparing to sit down.

"Of course not, we haven't seen each other in a while! How's kaeya?"

Aether asked, making Y/N wonder who this Kaeya person was. He kept quiet as the two conversed until two plates of food were set in front of them by the blonde haired lady who ran Good Hunter.

Y/N picked up one of his three skewers, sniffing it suspiciously before biting a piece with his sharp teeth. He slid the piece of meat off of the long skewer, hardly chewing it before he swallowed. He paused for a moment, looking down at his food in what look liked shear amazement.

He bit off a second piece, and then a third. He somehow got faster as he ate, barely finishing chewing before adding a second piece to his mouth. No one else in the group said anything, since it was obvious just from Y/Ns clothing and scruffy appearance that he most likely hadn't been taught any formal manners.

He got down his last skewer, wiping his mouth with his arm. Paimon was eating just about as fast as Y/N was, which wasn't anything new to Aether or Amber.

Y/N sighed quietly to himself, daydreaming about Razor and the pack, hoping they found something to eat without him. His name being called pulled him out of his thoughts.


Aethers soft voice called, making
Y/N shift his eyes forward to meet his.

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