Freaking old lady

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Aethers voice called, which was taken over by Amber.

"What do you say? Do you want to meet her?"

Y/N glanced to Aether and then to Paimon, feeling as if he had missed something important.

"Um.. Yes.?"

He immediately regretted his agreement. Amber smiled widely, rushing to help clean up Y/N and Aethers plates before dragging them further into the city. Y/N stuck a bit closer to Aether, since he trusted him slightly more. They eventually made it to what pretty much looked like a glorified library.

Y/N pulled his ears back slightly as they walked into the tall building. Who could he be meeting? A powerful figure? A scary new foe? An evil librarian? The possibilities were endless.

Amber used her brown glove to knock on a door, calling out to whoever was inside for permission to enter. The friendly voice of a woman confirmed from the other side of the door.

Amber pushed it open, allowing Aether and Y/N to walk inside before following after herself.

A blonde woman in a chair with a wooden backrest that stretched well above her head sat looking up at them. Y/N looked around more, and also noticed a woman in purple who looked like a witch, as well as a man with an eyepatch who was looking through a bookshelf.

Amber and the woman exchanged pleasantries before greeting Y/N.

"Mondstat welcomes you. I am Jean, Acting Grand Master of the Knights Of Favonius."

She greeted formally. Y/N bowed his head lightly.

"I am Y/N."

He returned shortly. Jean glanced towards her right, to the witch lady.

"This is Lisa, our resident librarian, and finally, that is Kaeya, the Cavalry Caption"

Y/N nodded as each person was introduced to him. Lisa walked up to the group of four and got especially close to Y/N.

"Oh, this one's a cutie! Are you boys here to help Kaeya out on his mission?"

She asked in a strangely sexual tone. Y/N took an uncomfortable and slightly defensive step away from her, bumping into something- no, someone, from behind. Y/N turned around quickly to see Kaeya towering over him.

"I wouldn't mind having either of you come along. Those big wild boars could be an issue to deal with on my own."

Kaeya stated while crossing his arms. Y/Ns ears perked back up at the mention of boars. Aether, who had practically been only looking at Y/Ns ears for the entire day, let out a soft chuckle.

"Can we hear more about it?"

Kaeya nodded at Aethers request.

"It's simple really. I'm taking a trip to Dragonspine, mostly for silver stone and things of that nature, but also to investigate a rumor that's been going around."

Kaeya explained while leaning against a wall of the room. Y/N tilted his head slightly


Y/N inquired as he glanced over Kaeya's body. He noticed his 'relaxed' tone and expression didn't match his body language. Kaeya shrugged in response.

"Who knows? Maybe I'll tell you if you come along."

He offered with a sly smile. Y/N frowned.

"No, I-"

He paused, contemplating for a moment

"When are you leaving?"

He continued a moment after glancing at the window just behind jeans big chair and seeing that the sun had almost set.

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