Episode 12

95 7 2

~Regardless Not Getting Leave Over Summer Break Is Wrong~

I may be caught in a time loop...

The sound of cicadas could be heard over the low volume of a baseball game that I lost interest in, and I couldn't shake this intense feeling of déjà vu I've been having while lazing on the living room couch, playing what was arguably the best game of the Star Wars Battlefront series with my new best fren vita-chan.

Not that anything could ever replace you distraction-chan! In fact, vita-chan can only bring us closer together you knooooow~...

Still, I'm very pleased that the Major (my mother) with the help of Komachi, got me this for my (twenty-ninth) birthday!

It's so fuckin wizard!

Unlike the Yamaha keyboard the old man got me, which I suspect really came from the Demon Lord because of all the dark energy emitting from Yamaha-chan that my ahoge sense.

I really do hope that Project Band-Maid will be enough to keep the Demon Lord and her large, admittedly, fucking awesome orbs, off my back for the summer...

And my coming up with Project Band-Maid was totally just to distract the Demon Lord and not because I wanted to hear their songs a year early or to see them live while also getting their autographs (especially that hot bass player) you knooooow~.

Y-yeah, it was totally just a distraction!

Riiiiight~, distraction-chan~?

Although the light in Honda Kenji-san's eyes was kinda scary when he left to poach the new idol talent from the list of names I gave him...

'Fuck work-style reform.'


That Studio 8 office onee-san I ran into by the elevators was scary for a whole other reason. I really need to make sure I don't sign another contract with the Demon Lord lest I become a brain-washed corporate slave like that sad office onee-san who was making eyes at Director what's his name, Teiji-something...?

And why the hell is Studio 8's head of HR so overly dramatic Haruhi?!

Whoa! Combat-roll clone trooper-kun! That lightsaber almost took your head off!

[Pew! Pa-pew! Pew! *Wilhelm scream*]

Ha! Get wrecked Jedi scum!

Well anyway, in the end, there was not enough space in my room for Yamaha-chan, and if it weren't for the blissful Ignorance of the old man, I'd think that the damn daughtercon was trying to tell me something by placing it in the guest room...

And right now I still can't shake this damnably annoying feeling of déjà vu despite the best efforts of vita-chan (and distraction-chan who was totally helping too! NOT just sulking on the couch watching baseball!) and I don't think it's from how many times I watched the anime either.

*Sigh* Fucking anime world...

I may definitely be caught in a time loop... probably.

The only problem is that even if I'm super sus that a time loop is among us, I have no way to prove that there really is one. It's not like I can just vent into space you knooooow~. And even if I could, I'd still have no way to tell if I were on my eighth or if Haruhi were feeling particularly cruel, my one-hundredth and eighth iteration of this Endless Eight Hell...

N-No..., I don't think it would be fifteen thousand five hundred thirty-two times..., after all, I'm not you Kyon.

Besides the time loop isn't running from August seventh to August thirty-first, so this is clearly different!

My Reincarnated Life Is Wrong, Source: MeWhere stories live. Discover now