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~As Expected, Haruno Remembers The Time They Shared~

After reading a particularly entertaining exchange between Hikigaya-kun and Shizuka-chan, I took the selfie that I was planning looking absolutely adorable in the Destiny Land Pan-san headband if I do say so myself. And after setting it as the background, I scrolled idly through a few of his recent pics before placing his phone back on the table.

It's still a bit of a mystery how he knew that I would love that hilarious image he sent to me of Hayato-kun. That expression on his face was absolutely priceless and with the cruel caption 'I won.' it was hard for me to stop laughing!

Hmm, did Yukino-chan let something slip to him, perhaps while talking in that little after-school club of theirs?

Taking a sip of the drink in front of me, I looked over to Hikigaya-kun. He was standing in the smoking section of the park with a cigarette, not far from where we were having lunch. Despite the summer heat, he was dressed in a black suit, similar to the ones I was used to seeing him in, only without the sunglasses he normally wore. Those dead eyes of his were giving off a familiar thousand-yard stare.

Oh, I could tell that he hated it here...

I knew that he hated crowds, and he said that this place reminds him too much of the Fucking Mouse.


Well~, you didn't have to bring me here Hi-ki-ga-ya-kun~.

Your onee-san would have totally gone paintballing with you again~, Y'know~.

But then again, he did look really cute with that matching headband I forced him to wear!

I discreetly took his picture using my smartphone.

I'll definitely have to show this to Shizuka-chan later!

'That THING you picked up is something that distorts our reality and should not exist. I'd advise that you throw it away, and do your best to ignore it, lest you become even more warped yourself, nee-san. Just the thought of you two together has already given me a nightmare...'

Hmm, I wonder if Yukino-chan will ever find out how right, she truly was.

Not only are the unique particular set of circumstances surrounding his existence truly bizarre, as they are hilarious: Piff! A transmigrated former soldier turned high school student and pop songwriter!

But he really did end up distorting our reality Yukino-chan...

I was so disappointed when I found out that, that childish-minx, Mio-chan, had got her claws onto him first and had absconded with him to her own birthday party. Though now I suppose, I should feel disappointed that he dared to skip out on his 'scary as hell' onee-san's birthday party altogether.

However, whether he realized it or not, Hikigaya-kun really did end up giving me such a wonderful gift for my birthday...

I can still remember that night clearly, even now.

At first, I thought that I was just having a nostalgic lucid dream about the time on my eighteenth birthday when I forgot my school bag in the music room of the special building.

Just as I was climbing the school's gate, which felt very real in my hands, a voice I was familiar with and that wasn't supposed to be there, called out to me.

'Oi, just what the hell do you think you're doing...?'

I looked over my shoulder to find Hikigaya-kun standing there, staring blankly at me. As my eyes met his, it was as if he wasn't surprised at all by what I was doing, so with a mischievous smile that I knew he found a bit find unnerving, I stated the obvious.

My Reincarnated Life Is Wrong, Source: MeWhere stories live. Discover now