Episode 3

253 13 5

~The Achievement's Of A Good Soldier Are Wrong~

Just as the last note of Hello Alone leaves the room...


Achievement unlocked: Marriage Not Dating

Achievement unlocked: Know Your Place

Achievement unlocked: Welcome To The Black Parade

Achievement unlocked: You CAN Marry Her

Achievement unlocked: Speaking Galactic Basic

Achievement unlocked: The Cake Is A Lie

Achievement unlocked: You Have No Frens


I collapsed onto the piano keys (sorry Yamaha-kun), the regret I feel for that stray thought is one of the greatest of my current fucking life! Why the fuck were you loading?! Why couldn't you just BE fuckin broken achievement-chan?!

Achievement unlocked: Living With Regrets


You can ignore this Hachiman, you're Japanese. The Japanese can ignore anything. You can IGNORE this... 'Believe It!'


Achievement unlocked: Something You Can't Ignore




...Aright Hachi, you can pull through this, just remember the code: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left— Wait, NOT that code! The other one you moron!

Always remember: 'Peace is a lie'...

I pull myself away from the piano. It's time to man the fuck up and head to the faculty office.

I need to face Shizuka and hand her the cake, after all: 'There is only Passion.'

'Through Passion, I gain Strength.'

'Through Strength, I gain Power.'

'Through Power, I gain Victory.'

'Through Victory my chains are Broken.'

"The Force shall free me." I say to no one.

I grab the two styrofoam boxes and my school bag from the table and exit the music room.

The fact that Shizuka is likely to reject me is something I can accept...because just like everything else in this fucking anime world I know that: 'Peace is a lie...'

Achievement unlocked: Egdelord Of The Sith


...Haruhi help me, I want to die.

--[Line Break]--

Upon returning the home economics room key, I gave Tsurumi sensei her slice of the strawberry sponge cake which she received with much appreciation. With her beauty rivaling Shizuka's, Tsurumi sensei is the nicest teacher at Sobu High. She's so nice that I feel like a bastard for planning to skip her class tomorrow. I just know she'll be disappointed. I'm sorry Tsurumi sensei but when I cook, I cook alone.

Now that my business with Tsurumi sensei is complete. I faced my return to Malachor V, with no party members, not even a droid. To think the ending would be this soon. I approach Shizuka who's at her desk smoking a cigarette. I tried to get a read on her expression but it was surprisingly inscrutable. It seems she intensified the forward firing power of her batteries, so nothing could get through. Well, I'm glad she's at least not depressed like before.

My Reincarnated Life Is Wrong, Source: MeWhere stories live. Discover now