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~An Intercepted Communication Was Still Wrong~


FROM: Hiratsuka


Thank you very much for today. I was surprised to hear that you love..., well ramen, among other things... I mean it kinda came out of nowhere and caught me off guard, but now that I think about it, I guess, I really should have been expecting something like this to come up. After all we're technically fiancés right?! So of course that would come up right?! In fact it's perfectly natural to have that in common with your fiancé! (ha-ha) Still a part of me really wants to wait until you graduated, although it's also true that it would be perfectly legal for us to be together... And I know you said that you're satisfied with me, but that doesn't mean we have to rush things... I'm still young you know! You do know that I'm still young right?! Well, maybe we should at least talk to your parents about this after all... Ah, what am I saying! Hey let's just put that on hold for now, alright! Now then, starting back in high school I conquered just about every ramen spot in Chiba, so I know a fair amount about the local shops Hikigaya. Oh, and I don't mean to sound distant by calling you like that, it's just that we really should be more careful about using our first names, especially at school! And while I suspect that we wouldn't really run into trouble if I were to pick a shop close to school, I mean, with those dead eyes of yours, you really do look like a washed-out salaryman, so much so in fact, that I don't think anyone would see you as a student when you wear a suit. Not that you looked bad or anything, still you did look kinda hot wearing it. It's so damn hot. The weather I mean! (ha-ha) Ah, it really is hot out there. That's not to say you didn't look hot, because you did. (ha-ha-ha) Well anyway what I'm saying is that it's better to play it safe, so I think I'll take us somewhere farther away. But let me give you the rundown on places both near the school and your house just in case. If you want a famous ramen shop near the school, the first in line has got to be Tora no Ana. They pride themselves in the outstanding thickness of their broth for Chiba iekei ramen. Their noodles would perhaps be considered standard among the Sakai-made noodles and iekei, but they're not to be underestimated. There's no ya appended to the end of the shop's name, so you can tell the shop is attempting to go in a new direction despite being derived form iekei. Their broth is also exceptionally compatible with rice (and pickled vegetables). Rice with seaweed soaked in the broth is utterly divine. I also recommend Shachi, the tsukemen place. And another place for classic Chiba iekei would be Masudaya. I'm more acquainted with their Chiba Station shop, but they have a branch in Kaihin-Makuhari, too. While there is a tonkotsu soy-sauce base, they've figured out a way to distinguish it from regular iekei fare. The execution of the marinated eggs and char siu in particular arguably ranks second in the region. And in slight deviation from most ramen shops, they also have Chinese fried rice on the menu. I bet you would enjoy the fried rice and noodle set there, Hikigaya. They serve their tsukemen with red bean paste, too, which is quite exciting. And there's one more shop, if you're going toward]



FROM: 8man11bravo


Roger that Black Nine, I read you, over.]



FROM: 8man11bravo


Wait one Black Nine, over.]



FROM: 8man11bravo


Um, disregard those last two messages, they weren't meant for you. And..., is that so...? ov]



FROM: Hiratsuka


I'm sorry. I pressed send before I was done. If you're going toward Tokyo, you can't miss Naritake. I think you know them, too, but they use lots of back fat, ultra-thick noodles, and rich-tasting broth. It has miraculous balance, the holy grail of Chiba ramen. The main branch is in Tsudanuma, but they have shops by Chiba Station and Motoyawata, and recently, they've even expanded into Tokyo with their Kinshi-cho branch. I recommend "oily" when you choose how much grease you want, but I think they also have a "super-oily" option. When you take the meat radical and add delicious to it, you get fat. Truly wise. As for other shops in that area, there's Kaizen and Ichioshi. Though they're both tonkotsu base, the flavor of the dashi is distinctly noticeable and strikes an excellent balance with the fat. With the medium-thick straight noodles, it's especially good. Their thick slices of char siu steeped in that broth are irresistibly satisfying. And last but not least, those green onions! Their flavoring is just amazing -it enhances the crisp texture and essential sweet spiciness of the green onions. Green onions go well with both ramen and rice-based meals, so if you go there, you have to get something with green onions! Well, that's about it, so do you have any question or request?]

***"This is Morgan Freeman here, and I would once again, like to take the time to remind the readers that you are still reading a poorly written romantic comedy, that is quite frankly, now shamelessly plagiarizing the original work, and not a review on ramen, though I'm sure the ramen recommendations that young woman...? Yes, that young woman, is currently recommending to her fiancé, are in fact, quite good..., I remember the time when I was that young, and in love, oh so long ago, much like that young man, sitting there, perplexed over his fiancé's texts on his cellular-phone, it was a time in my life, that was also, quite good..." FOR ALL THAT IS HARUHI NOT AGAIN! OUR BUDGET FOR YEAR IS GONE KYON!***



FROM: 8man11bravo


Negative Black Nine, over.]


FROM: 8man11bravo


Um, sorry, old habit, please disregard that as well. It's not a problem. Anyway, I can see that you are very... enthusiastic... about this so I'll leave to you to pick a time and place..., and it'll be a date Shizuka, out.]



FROM: Hiratsuka





FROM: Hiratsuka


IT'S NOT... Well, technically it could be a... I mean we are fiancés, so I guess it would be... But still, isn't it kinda...]



FROM: Hiratsuka


No, you know what?! FINE! It'll be a date so you better look forward to it you dumbass! Now I'm going to bed!]



FROM: Hiratsuka





FROM: Hiratsuka


Idiot Hachiman...]

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