A Measure Of A Man

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I have found my soulmate, but she wants nothing to do with me. Leigh is short for Ashleigh and I thought I was meeting a man at the time. We are working together on a project that will put us both ahead of the game in green technology residential homes. Leigh Daniels is by far one of the most beautiful women I have met. I just wished I could get past her telling me no to going on a date with me. She definitely knows my history. She is strictly work and nothing else. It was the age difference at first, but then she has dated older than me before. She is Mia's age and went to school with Mia. Mia said she used to come by the house, but stopped after she heard Christian and I complain about the drooling idiot friends she brought home. It happened to be one of the very few times that Leigh had came over. She decided not to come back to my parents house again after that. I get it, I wouldn't come back either.

I just want to get this done and I don't want to give in to my feelings and beat the crap out if Elliott for flirting with me constantly. I need this project and this is what I need to put up with for the next year of our collaboration. My reputation is on the same level as his for Green Technologies. I bring an enormous amount of knowledge of what is happening in the Green Technologies to date, he is in need of my input and I need his skills. I met his brother and sister when they came to the job site. They were nice people and invited me to dinner with Elliott and them, but I refused. I just can't sit there all night with him hitting on me. I go to leave and my car won't start and I have no options but to join them for dinner. Christian calls someone to have my car towed to his mechanic to look at it. I give in and join them for dinner. His parents and grandparents are waiting on us at the restaurant. He actually behaved himself at the dinner and I saw a whole new Elliott. I finally agree to a date with him and he is not the guy who was always flirting with me. He still flirts but this is sincere flirting. The other was trying to get me into bed flirting. Six months later he proposed to me and I accepted. It took three months to get all the wedding details done and I am standing here with Elliott and no others. We decided not to have a best man or a maid of honor. We walked down the aisle together. I had no family and very few friends to invite, so it was mostly his family and friends. It was a beautiful wedding and reception. His family are wonderful, but a bit overwhelming at times. I love him very much and we are starting on a baby soon. Anastasia is pregnant and glowing, Christian can't be any happier. Mia is dating Ethan Kavanagh and I think her family aren't liking it. I don't know the story behind that. He has just got a name for himself as the psychiatrist to go see. I see him weekly and we are working through my PTSD. I was seeing him five days a week and two weekend visits.

I knew Mia's family would be upset at my being here as her plus one at the wedding. They are politely rude in their attitude towards me being with Mia. I had to sign an NDA and I get it after what happened with Kate and everything. Leigh was shocked to see me here, I don't let on that I know her at all. After her parents death she had to get treated for PTSD. She was a witness to their deaths and had to testify in court against the person who killed them. She tells everyone they died in a car crash, but she leaves out that the person intentionally killed them in front of her. We haven't gotten to the why yet and each time she goes back to the why she becomes catatonic.

I watch as Elliott gets married and look over at Ethan and hope one day we might marry each other. Mom and dad are cool towards him, but it is because of Kate they are like this to him. Signing the NDA eased their concerns about him, but they told him not to hurt their daughter and I know that he gets upset that people lump him into the Kavanagh family bad things and people thing. But he reminds people that he is not his sister Kate. Married women have hit on him and he has shot them down by saying he is not his sister. He thinks some are hoping they get his trust fund just like penny got half of Kate's trust fund. I guess word got out about it thanks to Kate. She was pretty angry and loud about it, but found out that most thought she should have lost all her trust fund.

I am glad to see Elliott married and to a nice young lady. Unlike the females he brought home before now. He had to work at getting this one to even go out with him. I think he sabotaged her car to get her to join us for dinner. He denies it, but I don't put it past him to do it or get Christian have someone disable the car for him. It was an easy fix, the battery cables were off the battery. They kept her car a week for good measure and Elliott drive her back and forth to work for that week. How convenient. But it worked out and she is married to my son.

Leigh's background check is a sad one to read, no wonder she doesn't trust easily. I learned a lot about her from just knowing her parents names. Trials came up under their background checks. It made news when her parents were murdered right in front of her and the person used a motor vehicle to drive into theirs over and over again. It was a horrible case.

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