What Really Happened

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When Carla disappeared

I can't think straight about anything. I have been ill and my mind is not functioning right. I am told to go lay down by a strange man. I am finally laying down with the strangers help. I hear crying of tiny children. I don't know where I am at. There is a strange man walking around in some strange clothing. He leaves me and I decide to make a run for it. I finally find an escape door and run fast. I have been walking around for a while and need food and water. I see a food place and I try to get food, but they need money and I need shoes or get out is what they say. So I leave and go back home and I don't know who I am or where home is at. I am given food and water by someone and I eat and drink. I don't notice who gave it to me, because they disappeared into a container that moves. There are more containers that move and they make loud noise and I move. I am shuffled into a place that has free food and drink and I eat and drink. I am staying near it to stay fed. I sleep on things others have given me and I stay warm at night. I don't know days from nights anymore, I can't see the difference. My stomach hurts and I can't sleep comfortably at all my belly is getting bigger every day. I finally start walking in hopes I can find something to help the pain. I feel the fluids go down my legs and I lay down and I feel something between my legs I pull it up on my stomach it is crying. I hold it against me and I slowly drift away. The crying gets lesser.

Coroners Assistant David Collins
I start my initial investigation on the body and at first it looks like the woman died from bleeding out, but I check again and notice something odd about her corneas. I decide to check her brain tissue and discover she had a massive brain tumor and was lucky to live to give birth at all. I am hoping the baby fights to live, because her mother stayed alive until she gave birth to her. The mother might not have even known about her pregnancy because of the tumor. I made sure this Jane Doe's story was based on truth and not conjecture or speculation. Someone is looking for her somewhere.

After realizing my wife had disappeared from the house I filed a missing persons report on her the moment I was allowed. I was questioned like I had been res for her missing and possibly killed my wife. I had to hire an attorney and they were told that there was no evidence that I had killed my wife. They failed to keep looking for Carla. No one but me was looking for my wife. I finally had to give up and my assignment started and I hired caregivers for Jessie and Carl that had passports to travel. I called SPD once a month and no one ever fitting Carla's description was found. They dropped the ball on this. No one checked the morgue for her body. Our child was indeed fighting for her life and she won. But I never knew she existed. I have since found out that she in Elena Lincoln's clutches for a few months she was abused by the woman. The woman's husband got Anastasia back to the caseworker and she was placed in a better foster home, the one she lives in now. I missed so much of her life that I can't possibly make it up to her. I had Carla's body moved to our family plot. It took me a while to locate her, but I did. I was allowed to read the coroners reports about cause of death. I should have taken her to the ER when she started making no sense. But reading the report and asking a doctor about it, she said that even if I had that Carla would not have made it and she thinks she must have known that her pregnancy would need terminated and most women wouldn't end a pregnancy if it didn't guarantee she wouldn't die. Carla would have fought to bring her baby into the world. In the end she did.

I was there when Anastasia was fighting to live everyday and finally won her battle. I wasn't physically there but I checked in on her by phone when I couldn't be there to hold her. People would hold her and talk to her. Some students would read to her out of their medical books, just so she heard a voice. She noticed everything. I wished that she had not been placed in the clutches of Elena Lincoln, but Richard got her away from her as soon as he found out she had hurt the child and was behind her ending up in jail because of Anastasia telling him about those rooms and teenage boys visiting Elena.

I didn't dig into Anastasia's past until Jessie Steele showed up. Then I started digging deeper. It is amazing that all the things that happened and finally brought this young lady to Gail, Sophie and I. We are her true parents in the end. We might not be blood related but we are related by our love for each other. Like guys I served with are. We fought through battles and we bonded.

Anastasia will always be our daughter. That is a love bond no one can break. I hope she gets to know her biological family as well. I always knew a father was out there looking for her. We found out he had no idea she existed until Jessie told him it was a possibility. Everything changed after Jessie saw a picture of Anastasia on the front page of a newspaper.

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