Attorney Howard

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I passed the bar and now I am an attorney. I think about what I want to do next. My 18th birthday party was held after I took the bar. I was surprised by a huge bash. I am not used to all this excitement. So many people showing how much they love me. I was given all kinds of gifts. Things that mean so much to me, not because of costs, but because they listened to what I wanted and made it for me or got it made for me. A photo album combining both my biological and foster family. They all worked together on it for me. Then created a photo collage of both families into one photo. It made me cry.

At first I thought it might too much, but Jessie went through everything and Carl helped her. All the photos of our family including Carla. They made me one as well. I and her foster parents were given photo albums combining both families and they helped get it together. It really opened up our families to each other we shared stories about one another that we hadn't before. We came together as a complete family unit. It is amazing and I think there is never been so much love for one small soul. Anastasia brings out the love in people who have it in them to give.

I see Gail crying as she and I are handed photo albums combining both families and then a collage of all of us. We will be hanging them both up. I hold my wife as she cries in her handkerchief. I try to stop the tear from my eyes as well, Ray was given his before they left home. All the children were given the same gifts. Anastasia is so happy to get them and hugs everyone and thanks us all for doing this for her. She told us she was going to be moving out in a month and she will be taking Sawyer and Prescott just to make sure she is safe. I laugh because she was going to have them anyway. Sophie is quiet and I know why, she doesn't know that I saw the engagement ring on her finger. She forgot to take it off this time. James Ford is someone she has been dating since before she was hired at GEH accounting department.

I love that we all were given gifts of photos on Anastasia's birthday. It was something she wanted. So we all got together and created something she could look back at and for all of us as well. We got everything together, but I hadn't seen the finished product until now. We were even sent usb files for everything and wallet sizes.

She loved it and so did everyone else. Carl still has a crush on Sophie, but she brought a date. I think she is engaged to the guy. The Grey family is here as well, we got a story about Carrick and Grace and when they adopted Mia and couldn't adopt Anastasia. It made sense and after everything she ended up with the Taylor's and because of the sequence of events she saved victims of Elena Lincoln's. Richard Lincoln left her something in his will. She stays in contact with his widow and his children get gifts from her on birthdays and Christmas. I had no idea that she has security because of Elena Lincoln and Debra Taylor's intending of killing her. Both are dead at this point, but she still needs protection from the press.

I concentrate on other things since Sophie has a boyfriend with her. I guess she doesn't love me anymore, Jessie comes up and tells me to concentrate on all the other females chasing after me as my texts messages are vibrating away. I chuckle as she asks to see which of my many female friends are texting me. Dad has told me that I better remember that woman have feelings and I better not be using them. He would kick my butt along with my sisters. She looks through my texts and tells me to stop talking to the ones who are sending x rated photos and I had better not be send x rated ones back to them. Who knows who is looking at them.

I take Carls phone from Jessie's hands and I look at the x rated messages and I tell him no lady would send photos like those to anyone. I tell him to delete them and tell the person not to send them again. I then tell him he better not be sending x rated out to others either. I know the boy is sexually active because I supply the condoms for him. I make him get tested regularly as well. I have seen soldiers get things and end up in the hospital. I give him the phone back and he deletes all the texts and photos.

I get Sophie alone and she admits to being engaged. I guess James asked Jason for permission to ask her to marry him. She forgot to take her ring off tonight. I hugged her and told her we need to plan her wedding.

Mom gets me alone and I finally tell her I am engaged and James asked dad for permission to ask me to marry him. She wants to help plan the wedding. James wants a small wedding and I hope she is okay with it.

I gather my fiancé before Carl can start flirting with her. I know that he has a crush on her, but I think he has flirted with her from the beginning and it is like a reflex action. His sisters have pulled him away from Sophie and he stayed away because of me.

I gave Anastasia a car for her birthday. She told me she couldn't accept it. Mia gave her a gift card to buy herself some clothing. Mom and dad gave her furniture for her new apartment. Elliott gave her some work he needs to do so her place is more secure. I ask her to join me for dinner to chat about the car.

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