"He is a young human, we ourselves are only the same age" Yoongi stated, leaning back against the wall, his cold blue eye distant as they always were. 

"Plus we have had guidance from our elders, they have knowledge from centuries. Humans do not have knowledge like that, at least not in person" Namjoon stated it as if it were a common fact. 

"I want to go with him. What is the city like?" Jungkook turned his head to look up at Namjoon who stood at the tallest height amongst the four dragons. 

"It is full of humans, not all of them are good" Namjoon responded. 

"Then how do we know that he is with the good ones?" Jungkook's golden eyes widened at the realisation. 

"We should be there to protect him" Jin sighed, he too did not like the fact that their King desired to run back to the human settlement.

Jin did not see the good in humans at all, he had seen the horrors they caused. But then again for their King it would be in his nature to seek out his own kind, much like dragons did in their colonies. 


Soon their King rounded the corner, Taehyung trailing after him. Hoseok following after them, rushing to keep in step with the quick pace of the pair in front of him. 

"Do we have to go?" Taehyung whined.

"We can come back on the weekend, I have no training scheduled then." Jimin bargained. Taehyung whined but ultimately agreed with the deal that had been struck. 

"We wish to fly with you as well" Jungkook spoke out before any of the other dragons could input.

Jimin turned to them confusion upon his face, it seemed like he had forgotten they were there, or assumed they had moved somewhere else after their previous conversation. 

"But what if you get caught?" Jimin turned his eyes to Jungkook. 

While earlier Jimin had been curled upon the floor for the duration of their conversation. Now he stood, looking them in the eyes and the final four could see why Jimin was their King. The fire in his eyes burned bright and strong. 

"We won't" Jin stated as if it were simple. 

"Well you can ask these two how to avoid being caught as they both have been." Jimin's tone was disbelieving. 

Though the final four could understand why their King was acting in this way, he was overwhelmed, scared and quite frankly probably out of his depth. A lot had been dumped on him throughout the day and the expectations and responsibility had to be a heavy weight upon his shoulders.

"We will turn back when the city is on the horizon, that way we won't be caught" Namjoon reasoned. 

"Fine. I am Jimin by the way. Jimin Park" Jimin extended his hand in the human gesture for greeting. Despite it not being the dragon's way of greeting they all shook his hand, wanting to accommodate for their human.

"Namjoon" the brown horned dragon introduced himself, bowing his head keeping eye contact with Jimin as he did so. 

"Jin" stated coral horned dragon, he tilted his head in greeting as well.

"Jungkook" said the eager, golden eyed dragon. 

"Yoongi" stated the final dragon, from where he was leant back against the wall, he gave a single abrupt wave of his hand in greeting. 

Dragon heartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora