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(Chapter 4)A home left behind

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(Chapter 4)
A home left behind

'Normal' - human tongue
'Dragonese' - Dragon's tongue

Author POV

Jimin wasn't going to lie he was terrified. At the age of 15 he had become a Knight's apprentice. He would be leaving his village home behind, his family behind to go to the capital.

It was all to big, so unexpected that Jimin wasn't quite sure how to act. He might regret saying yes to the proposition. But his father had taught him to be a man of his word, and to stick by them. So that's what he did.

Saying goodbye to his family had been hard. His mother had fought the knight with sharp words of threat, making him take a knights vow (something that shouldn't be taken lightly) to protect her son no matter what.

Cadel had taken the tounge lashing and threats, but he did wince on occasion at Jimin's mother's more creative threats. The thing is they sounded more like promises than anything else.

He had been pulled into a tight hug by both of his parents, before taking all that he could reasonably carry on his back as that was all he could take.

Cadel didn't have an extra horse, and the other knights had sneered at him. Clearly Murdock and Ho-jin had shared their experience with he butcher's son. So Jimin wasn't well liked from the get go.

But he also had protecton from Cadel who seemed to hold a high rank amongst the group of knights. At least from their reluctant respect towards him.

Jimin didn't mind walking he didn't have to hold conversation with the others, he could go at his own pace for the most part. Plus the scenery of the countryside was an added bonus.


It was 4 days into the trip towards the capital that the incident happened.

Jimin was becoming tired, Cadel had promised the next town they visited he would get Jimin a horse to ride.

The incident started with the sky swirling.

Lightning shattering the constant sound of rain. Crackling bursts striking the land, it was far to consistent in one area to be a natural phenomenon.

Without hesitation the knights charged on horse back towards the site with most lightning collisions. They seemed to understand something Jimin did not.

Jimin being on foot meant that he was immediately left behind in the dust, the rain crashing onto his still body. Puddles forming at his feet.

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