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(Chapter 15)It comes naturally

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

(Chapter 15)
It comes naturally

"Normal" - Human's tongue
"Dragonese" - Dragon's language


Author POV

Jimin had been confused when Cadel had directed him to go and train with Aife for the day, but then he had gotten excited when he realised what that statement meant. Taehyung had no idea what was going on but he was acting jittery in response to Jimin's excitement. 

They had filled up on a breakfast Cadel had provided, it was simple but it filling. They couldn't get much on a soldier's wages, even if you were of a higher ranking like Cadel was. Jimin would practically get anything when he became a soldier. 

Cadel was reading through reports at the breakfast table, he was taking the day without Jimin to focus on paperwork he had been neglecting since he came back from the trip to find new soldiers. So he merely waved a distracted hand when Jimin rushed out the door with Taehyung in toe shouting a quick 'bye' as he went.


The training grounds for the riders was massive as Jimin entered the arena like place. He had heard of the Great Arena, most people hand, it was where knights fought to prove their strength and valour for the people of the Kingdom and most importantly for the King. 

Taehyung was clinging to Jimin's hand looking around the arena at all the other dragons both at full and half shift. Aife approached them as they were both casting their eyes around the arena with wide eyed curiosity. 

"I see you found the place" Aife said as a means of greeting.

"Yes Ma'am" Jimin responded politely.

"Follow me" Aife quirked up her lips momentarily before directing the pair to follow her as she made her way through the arena to the place where they were to train. 

As they went they passed a familiar dragon, it was Hoseok, he was struggling against the rider who was trying to get onto his back. Jimin's eyes didn't leave them as they passed, he was worried for the dragon, he had sounded so scared when they had initially met. He seemed to still be struggling, but Jimin was scared to reach out to him, even if his presence may help again.


"Here we are" Aife finally stopped and turned to look at the pair. Her own silver dragon, Inno, was waiting for their arrival. She was half shift and seemed to be lost in her own thoughts. 

Jimin looked around the area they had, they seemed to be in a privatised area of the arena, like off in a side room. But it was still spacious enough to hold maybe three dragons at full shift if they were squeezed in tight. 

"I am going to begin your dragon riding training. I've worked out a schedule with Cadel as to balance your knights and rider training. Cadel will update you on that when you return to the barracks for the night" Aife informed him.

Jimin nodded in understanding, Taehyung who still didn't know the human language well saw Jimin nod so he copied his actions. 

The first 30 to 45 minutes of training was spent with Jimin and Aife sitting on the sand. Aife explaining about the training and the roles and responsibilities for a rider to take on. Jimin absorbed as much information from those minutes that he could. Taehyung was lying down as he didn't understand the human language he was content to curl up onto Jimin's lap, with the human's hands carding carefully though his hair. Aife watched this casual interact with interest and curiosity.


"So now that you know about being a rider, I am going to guide you through the best ways to be able to ride a dragon. You won't be able to properly fly until you get a saddle. But I will teach you how best to get onto a dragon's back." Aife told him, Jimin nodded in understanding.

He watched as Aife commanded Inno to fully shift. Jimin swears he saw the silver dragon roll her eyes and give a insulting gesture to the human captain but it could have been imagined as the dragon took her full shifted form. 

"So climbing up the leg is by far the easiest way to get onto a dragon's back" Aife showed him, by climbing up Inno's leg with a practiced ease. 

Jimin watched with calculative eyes, he really wanted to do his best. He wanted to be a rider, and if he was getting the opportunity to learn from a rider captain he was going to make the most of the experience. 

"Now it is your turn" Jimin made his way to Inno. "No on your own dragon, you are learning to ride your own dragon not mine" Aife looked amused, while Jimin blushed flustered by his mistake.

So to hide his blush, he turned to Taehyung. He had explained to the dragon last night what was going to happen as a part of riding training. Taehyung had given him consent to ride on his back. So when Jimin looked to him and asked if he could Taehyung merely nodded and allowed himself to fall into his full shifted form.

Taehyung moved around trying to get used to being in his full shifted form after a while of not shifting. It was always a strange feeling going between forms. Jimin allowed him to have his time to settle. 

"Now have a go" Aife encouraged him.

Jimin nodded and tried to remember as much as he could from Aife's demonstration. But he found himself ignoring it in favour of his instincts, it was a subconscious reaction not even he knew he did until he was perched on Taehyung's scaled back. 

Aife blinked in surprise as the sheer speed and skill Jimin had used to get onto the dragon's back. It was almost like he had done it before, but as far as she had been told by Cadel they had never met before, so Jimin's shouldn't have that sort of response.

Jimin didn't notice Aife's dilemma and thoughtful expression. He was too busy with the feeling of how right it was that he was sitting where he was. 


So what you thinking?

We will be getting some more dragons soon, not yet but soon. Cause we are already 15 chapters in and still missing 4 of the main characters...

Yeah I think this is going to turn into another one of my long book...

Anyway I hope you liked the chapter.




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