"I am sorry," I apologize, my throat sore.

He shrugs his shoulders, "losing my mother was a horrible thing, but as I have grown, I have gone through worse. My last skating partner, ended up being the love of my life, and I found out she was hiding certain things from me. I learned her mental health was getting worse and she didn't want to try and fix them. One night I got back from a friend's house, and I found her in the bathtub, her wrists were bleeding, and the autopsy showed drugs of large depressant overdose. I tried to save her, but she was already gone. Rumors were spread around and I was getting framed for killing her, and it put an impact on my life. A few weeks after that, I was sent here to Arizona to work with Eulalia and my life changed.

"I honestly think it was a sign. To tell you, if something ever happens, life will get better even if it doesn't feel like it. It definitely is a process, but the ending result is totally worth it. Eulalia has absolute talent, her potential in the world is growing. Even though my girl didn't make it in life, I know she will and you have to keep my word on that." Once he's done talking, I inhale a big breath, swiping the tears away my eyes. Not sure to hug him, I get up from my seat, and I do it anyways. He pulls back to tap my shoulder, "believe in your girl, Harry, because the doctors may never will." I nod my head, smiling.

"Want to go get some food? I need a distraction and I am quite hungry." I suggest the idea, and Zayn nods his head and we leave the room, closing the door behind us.

Walking into the food court, the food reaches my nostrils and my stomach grumbles.

I order Chinese food and Zayn gets sushi rolls. We eat together at a small table in the farthest corner.

"Have you ever gone through something else like this? Did you lose someone else?" Zayn quizzes, shoving a piece of sushi into his mouth. I set down fork and rub my hands together.

"I lost my mother, my sister, and my father until they all came back into my life a few years ago. When I lived in England my family was happy, until we were not. Once my parents went through a divorce, everything changed. The friendships, the relationships, everything was gone.

"I knew when I was little I was going to become a lawyer and live in New York City. When it came to the time I turned 18-years-old, I moved to come study where I dreamed about all the time. My mom and sister hated my decision and basically blocked me out of their life. Months past and I found love with this girl and then it got ruined and I changed my whole mindset.

"Moving back home for a little bit, I got to reconnect with my family. They realized what they did was wrong and they support me for being a lawyer now. I j-just still have this feeling, this lingering sensation of loneliness...that what if this is all just a phase, that we will break and we will lose everything as a family once again."

He points at me with this chopsticks, rice falling from the bottom. He swallows before answering, "you just need to hold it together. If times feel wrong, do not be afraid to communicate about your feelings. I learned that when speaking to my therapist. Communication is key, and many people don't like it slash use it, but do not not use it because it really helps." Nodding my head, I finish with my food and so does Zayn.

We throw our trash away and go to the elevators to meet back up at the room. We sit at the couch together and shoot the shit until Zayn comes to a conclusion he should get going home. Saying goodbye, I close the door behind him, standing in front of the bed where Eulalia lays.

"Please wake up, Eulalia. I miss you."


It's past nine o'clock and rolling around the time when I am supposed to meet up Louis and Felix at the junkyard.

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