41 || Dark & Stormy

Start from the beginning

Eulalia's fragile body is a pale white. She sleeps silently. Tubes wrap around her nose. Beeps from the machine echo in the room.

Slowly taking her hand, I squeeze it, kiss it, hold it. She looks so alive and dead at the same time. Pressing her hand to my forehead, I murmur, "we'll be alright, Love Dove, don't give up on me."

Looking back up, I stare out the window. It storms loudly. Giving time for Louis to see her, I just stare in the distance, still trying to understand her completely.

"Harry, we're going to go out in the hallway to give you two some time alone. If you need anything, shout for us, OK?"

I nod my head, staring at Eulalia once more. Hearing their footsteps leave, I grab her hand again, whispering, "I did not mean for this to happen. I am so sorry, Eulalia."

She doesn't move. Say anything back. She's silent.

Being flexible, I decided to scoot her body to the edge of the body, giving me enough space for my one body to slip on the mattress. The TV stares directly across from us, the TV remote on my own side. I pick a movie for us to watch and I hold her hand the whole time. Through the movie I fall asleep and am woken up by Louis, who looks exhausted himself.

"We have to go," Louis tells me, helping me out of the bed. I hug Eulalia's mum goodbye, leaving Eulalia alone. When we get to the hospital room, Louis gets me back into my bed, leaving me for the night.

The door opens once more, "did you forget something, Louis?"

When the man who is responsible for this walks slowly into image, my body immediately starts to shake in anger. I slide my slopped body up and out of the bed, standing tall while my eyes stare deeply into his eyes.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I shout, my hands below form into a fist.

He shakes his head, laughing historically, "what do you mean, Mr. Styles?" He plays dumb, walking around me, my eyes wandering his movements as he walks around me in a circle.

"You have gone too far," I grit through my teeth, frustrated.

Another laugh leaves his lips and he stops, hands on his hips, "are you serious?"

Rolling my eyes, I sarcastically said, "no, I am joking—yes, you dumbass!" He stares down at his feet before he looks back at me, his eyes darkened, our faces inches away from each other.

"You signed up for this, so who really is the dumbass?"

Flaring my nose, "I quit." The words roll off my tongue, relief exhaling for my chest. A piece of weight brushes off my shoulders. I finally feel confident enough to stand up for myself. What I signed up for was me being stupid, not thinking about the consequences and only thinking about the future—money.

"It's too late, you owe me, Harry."

"Fuck you," I spit, "leave me and Eulalia alone."

He presses his hand on my shoulder, squeezing it and digging my fingers into my skin. The pain pushes and runs through my broken arm, "fine, but this isn't over, Harry." He let's go, and I sigh with relief. He walks out of the room, leaving me standing in the middle. His shadow disappears and I stare, blankly. Turning around to go to bed, the rain outside is dark and stormy.

Slipping back into the covers, I fall asleep, barely.

While my fingers drum against the steering wheel, whatever plays through the speakers makes me fall into a deep singing match. Waiting for Eulalia to get her skates from inside, I sing along, feeling light.

"'Cause the drinks bring back all the memories of everything we've been through." I sway my head against the music, my lips moving, a questionable sound drifts for myself to hear. When the song meets halfway through, Eulalia is walking right back out a smile on her lips.

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