Ch 12: To Trap A Fox

Start from the beginning

"NO, that's what a TRUE Sylphan bond should be! I'm not talking about a true sylphan bond! I know you know the difference so why do you keep saying you want to wait... you want to wait, when it's clear that you don't want to at all?!? If you don't want my bond then just say so and I'll let it go, but I can't stand this game!! I'm scared Shuichi! I'm supposed to help the detective on his missions, how do I do that when any demon I meet could do what that monster did or worse!! And you keep-"

She couldn't take it anymore! She just wanted to stop thinking about this damn bond! She wanted the ache in her chest to stop, and the fear of never being good enough to stop! She lost control, and screeched the words at him.

Every bit of pain she had felt for the past year, ever since her first heat cycle, came scorching through her, and the scent of him so close did nothing to help it! If he would just accept a temporary bond, even that much would dull the pain! She knew how close her birthday was, how few days remained until that horrible ache returned, and knew that a chosen bond could stifle it at a single word, otherwise she would be forced to isolate, and suffer for days on end again, praying that no demon caught her scent!!

It would allow her to think clearly again, and not worry about another demon trying to steal her like that disgusting beast had! She wouldn't feel that horrible heat again until after the true bond was made, but none of that was as important as this damned fox's stupid since of moral pride!!

The words were still falling from her lips when the boy's whole body stiffened, his energy escaping in one massive wave, more powerful than anything she had ever felt! The force of it made her gasp, and she took a step back, her lashing tail falling still, and her ears going flat back once more as she caught sight of his eyes. Her core went cold as the emerald orbs were replaced by gold.


She flinched and nearly fell to the floor at the weight the strange voice in her head carried. Whoever those eyes belonged to, his very presence demanded obedience, and she felt her knees give out beneath her.


Yoko had endured all he could. This fox, this incredibly brave little Sylph, was begging the boy to take her bond, to claim her as his own, to allow her to bloom and shine brightly in the sun like the rare flower she truly was, and his pathetic sense of human morality was stopping him from even hearing the true desperation in her voice.

'Enough...' He thought, and was shocked to see the little fox flinch at the thought. 'She's let us in Shuichi... See how desperate she is?'
*DON'T DO THIS YOKO!* The boy screamed inside his own head, finding himself pulled into the cage that normally housed the demon who now controlled his human form.

Yoko didn't like using the boy's body this way. It took a great deal of energy, and he did not enjoy feeling the human body encasing him so closely, the lack of ears and tail an alien feeling that rather repulsed him. He tried to twitch his ear, but it did not move. He tried to lash his tail, but it was not there. He swallowed a snarl of frustration, and hardened his resolve.

Oh, how he would love to show the girl his true form, to whisk her away into the night and find a quiet burrow for the two of them, but he already had a beloved pet... Tsume had been heavy on his mind as she had spoken. A sacred treasure promised to another, but that demon, much like the boy, had wanted to wait until the little wolf had reached her hundredth year. It had been complete chance that he had stumbled across her scent trail that day, and followed it to the mountain's peak. She had become his greatest treasure, but began as his greatest mistake.

The snarl in his chest had been enough to break through every barrier he had put between himself and the boy as he wrested control. Whether Shuichi thought he was ready or not, this little kitsune certainly was. He would not disappoint her. 'You'll thank me for this one day... Shuichi...'
*Yoko please, I beg of you... let me do this in my own way!* Yoko's eyes hardened, the whole conversation happening in a matter of seconds, and he could see the girl's eyes go wide as she watched him... As she felt the full weight of his voice in her mind.

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