“Not yet, but I'm sure she will be here within ten minutes. We checked with her this afternoon and she confirmed her attendance.” She chirped, and I was impressed by their service.


Stephen here will escort you to your table,” she gestured to a guy who was standing beside me. I hadn’t noticed him until she referred to him. He seemed a little younger than me, maybe twenty-four, and quite good-looking. He was more on the timid, shy side and I could tell.

“Thanks.” I met his nervous gaze, then followed him to wherever our table was.

The place was pristine and meticulous, sporting some clean, refreshing colour schemes and designs. It was a very eco-friendly environment and I was certain that the menu would be very vegan.

“W-Would you like something, um, to drink maybe?” Stephen inquired, his cheeks tinted rouge.

“What do you recommend?” I took the menu.

“I'm not, not really sure,” he could hardly meet my gaze. I wondered if it was his first time.

“Are you new here? Or perhaps it's your first time, you seem very nervous,” I probed curiously.

“N-No I'm not. Just a little flustered, that’s all.” He smiled slightly.

“Alright Stephen, I’ll take over from here.” A guy patted his back, probably having noticed how unsettled he was. He nodded, giving me one last look before leaving.

“Is he always like that?” I asked the new waiter, who gave me more menus.

“Nah. It's just that he has a little crush on you, well it's not little but you know,” he shrugged and that’s when it finally dawned on me.

Oh, I didn’t realise.”

“He's too scared to say it. Likes all your posts and puts you all over his wallpapers. As his best friend, I'd say he's a little obsessed,” he whispered with a wink, opening his pen and holding up a clipboard. Just that piece of information did two things: amuse me, and scare me. “I'm Eric by the way.”

“Rareșz, but I'm sure you know that already,” I sighed and he laughed in response.

“When you’re part of the top five bachelors, I'm sure I know your entire lineage.” He joked and I couldn’t help laughing too. “Can I get your autograph on Stephen’s behalf?” He handed me a pen and paper.

“Sure thing,” I put my cursive signature on the paper before speaking, “I'll have some wine while I wait,”

“Red or white?”

“Red please.” I confirmed, and moments after he left, I noticed a goddess being ushered into the restaurant.

It was her.

She looked so breathtaking in a skin-tight pastel green dress that had stylish perforations along both of her wide hips and flowed all the way down to her ankles.

She looked so angelic with her long, dark hair flowing past her shoulders, her beautiful umber skin tone gleaming under the influence of the lights. Her hourglass figure was breathtaking, I had to swallow hard to gain composure.

She had some strappy heels, a pastel green designer purse and gold jewellery to finish off the look. Wow, this woman always left me utterly speechless.

I got up when she arrived at the table, opening my arms and she accepted my embrace without hesitation. Damn, her opulent fragrance was delicious as fuck, I could bite her.

𝐌𝐫. 𝐕𝐢𝐳𝐜𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐨'𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫| 彡Where stories live. Discover now