whims whims whims

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Over the few days Midoriya was sick with fever, delirious on medicine, and unwilling to talk, Toshinori found his mind hard to focus with. He was concerned, yes. He was nervous, yes. But he also couldn’t get himself to stand up from his desk and quell his nervousness by simply checking in on the teenager. His mind throbbed with his indecision to step forward and enter Recovery Girl's realm. 

What made this visit so different?

Afterall, the number one hero was no stranger to Recovery Gril, nor her office. Nor visiting one particular successor in her office after a training regimen or exercise gone to trash. 

No, the difference was that there was no training regime that injured the teen specifically. Toshinori wasn’t with the teen to help him reach the nurse's office. Heck, he hadn’t even realized Midoriya was even sick until a couple days ago!

It wasn’t like anyone could have prevented the oddity of a sickness the green haired kid had come down with, but somehow, some way, Tsohinri felt responsible. 

Maybe if he had just spoken up about his concerns regarding Midoriya. The fidgeting, the nervous tics, the recluse nature he had turned into before it got to become a health hazard. 

If he had just brought up his concerns when they first reached his mind, then all would be fine now, right?

Toshinori groaned, placing his head in his hands. He didn’t know what to do. 

He stayed like that, head in his hands, leaning over his desk and thinking, for quite a few minutes. Until the cold hands of a co-worker grasped his shoulder. Toshinori jolted in surprise, snapping his head up to either greet or tell off the person touching his shoulder. 

His gaze was met with the tired eyes of a man who had been secretly fretting over his problem students for the past few days. “Fever broke.” He spoke up, voice ragged. He lifted his hand off the number one hero’s shoulder with a grimace and turned away. In his other hand he lifted a cup of coffee to his lips and took a scalding hot swig. Toshinori watched Aizawa approach the door only to stop short. 

The blond opened his mouth to infer about one thing out of the many he was thinking of. 

Aizawa cut him off before he could begin. “She hasn’t answered yet.” He spoke monotone before completing his walk from the room, leaving Toshinori back to his own whims.

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