Oh Did I Do That?

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Eren POV

Once I find my seat, I look at the board only to find there's a substitute.
Great... Just what I needed. Another stranger to get on my nerves today.
I sit down and pull out yesterday's homework and try not to gag from all the scents in the room. I lay my head on the desk and try not to puke as the rest of the class filters in.
"Yo! Jaeger! Why didn't you show up last night?"
Great now Horseface is on my case too?
"I wasn't feeling great so I went to the doctor." I replied, not moving.
"You're looking a little pale, are you sure you should be here?"
Mikasa too?
"I'm fine. Just got a stomach bug or something." I reply, moving my head so I can see her worried face. "I'm ok, I promise."
She gives me a wary side eye and goes to take her seat next to Sasha, who is tearing into a bag of bbq chips. The smell wafts through the air and I gag. Just when I thought I would puke the door opens and our substitute teacher comes rushing in. Our substitute is —HANJI?!?! 
What's Hanji doing here? She better not say anything about me being pregnant or I'll never here the end of it.
"Goooood morning class! I'm Ms. Zoe, but you all can just call me Hanji! I'm not to particular about formalities. Let's see what you're learning this week!" Hanji says, fumbling through the desk.
She finally finds the substitute teacher packet.
"Aha!" She says, as she opens the folder. "Hmm. Interesting. You all are learning about the reproduction systems today!" Then suddenly stops talking as she scans the packet. "Ope! I forgot! The class roster!" She giggles.
I'm not sure how I feel about her about to teach the reproductive system to my class while she knows I'm pregnant.
What if she tells everybody that I am? What if people make fun of me? What if Levi hates me because he doesn't want a baby? I mean we are in high school. Levi is a senior... What are we going to do?
Tears flood my eyes as I turn my face, still pretty much glued to the desk, so I can track Hanji with my eyes.
"When I call your name just say here or something, kay?" Hanji says.
The class is unnervingly quiet and it kinda makes me nervous.
"Alright, let's get started! Who's first!" Hanji squints down at the paper. "Mikasa Ackerman? Did I say that right?" Hanji asks, looking around, pretending not to know her
Mikasa raises her hand, "Here, Ms. Zoe," rolling her eyes.
My stomach rolls, the scent of bbq chips still clouding my nose.
"I thought it was you! How ya been!" Hanji says, "Alright, uhhh, Armin Arlert?" Looks around to see if the blonde coconut is here.
Mikasa raises her hand "Ms. Hanji? Armin is at the doctor's office this morning."
"Ah! Ok. Next, then. Sasha Braus!" Hanji continues.
Sasha, who had been working on her ungodly amount of bbq chips, damn near chokes and then squeaks out a hoarse "Here?"
Hanji goes down the roster, one by one, and each person is accounted for until she reaches me.
"Eren Jaeger?"
And everything from breakfast is rolling in my stomach as I open my mouth to say here I'm greeted by the contents of my stomach. All over myself and my desk. Everyone is staring at me like I'm a freak. I start to tear up and Mikasa and Horseface come over to try to clean up my mess.
"Eren! Are you alright?" Hanji comes over to me.
"I need Levi." I whisper, tearfully.
"Ok. Ok. Come with me. Mikasa you're in charge. Finish the roster check." She says helping me get up and walk to the door.
"Where's his class" she says.
I point down the hallway to our right.
"Last class on the left."
She nods and lets me lean on her as we make our way to Levi's class. 
When we arrive outside the door, she knocks and then enters. I wait outside, I don't need anymore stares today.
A few minutes pass, until the door opens again and Hanji comes out followed by Levi.
Levi looks at me, seeing the mess of a shirt I'm wearing and the tears in my eyes. "Baby what happened?"
"I couldn't get over the smell of Sasha's chips and I kinda threw up in front of everyone and they all think I'm a freak now." I say, quietly.
"You're not a freak. You're pregnant. I'm taking you home."
I sputter, "I can't go home! My mom is gonna ask so many questions and I'm not ready to tell anyone yet."
"You're going home." Hanji says. "You need rest."
I whine, "Levi, I'm scared."
He pulls me close, messy shirt be damned.
"Don't be. I'm going with you."

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