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Hey guys BTW they are in Levi's bedroom.
Eren POV
After the party, I went to Levi's house so I wouldn't wake my mom. She knows I go over sometimes but she never worries about me because she knows I can take care of myself. Well, most of the time.
I wake up that Saturday morning and instantly throw up all over Levi's bed.
Shit. He's gonna kill me.
"Ughhhhh, Leviiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! I'm sick." I groan.
"I can see that. Babe sit up." Levi says.
"Nghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Leviiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!" I moan.
"Eren Jaeger! Chill out!" Levi says, trying to get the blankets off the bed.
I jump and hide under the covers.
"Babe, I'm sorry I yelled." He says trying to get me out from under the covers.
He pulls the comforter off my head and looks at my face.
I sniffle. He pulls me into his chest and I shiver under his watchful stare.
"How about we go see Hanji?" Levi asks.
I nod. He picks me up and gets me dressed in my new sweater. He then carries me down the stairs, out the door, and into his car.
♡♧♢Timeskip to Hanji's house♡♢♧
"Ayee, Shorty and Eren! What'cha doing here?" She asks.
"Eren doesn't feel good. "
"Ok. Come here." Hanji says, pulling me to her basement lab.
It's a little area crammed full of medical supplies and equipment. I'm not sure why she has so much stuff but she does.
She pulls out a syringe and draws my blood. She tests it and asks me to pee in a cup. When I do she tells me to go back upstairs to Levi.
A few hours later she comes upstairs and stands in front of us.
"The test are unanimous. Eren~~." She pauses, dramatically.
"Fucking Four-Eyes just spit it out already!" Levi says, startling me.
"You're pregnant!"
What? That's impossible. I've been on birth control for years. What are we supposed to do now?
I look at Levi, who looks shocked. I suddenly realize the room is spinning and getting dimmer by the second. Soon I black out.

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