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Welcome (or, if you've read the first story, welcome back)!

If you want, feel free to skip this little introduction. But before y'all start to read, I would just like to say a few things.

1. I am incredibly grateful to those of you who've read the first story and enjoyed it. I honestly didn't expect to get many readers, let alone people who actually enjoyed what I put out. As such, I hope this next story satisfies you as much or more than the last did!

2. As stated previously, this is the second story in the series. The first is "SoA: Awakening." While it is not necessary to read the first story to grasp what'll be happening in this one, it is recommended to get the full context of the series.

3. Like the last story, this will have even mature and violent themes/scenes. Maybe with less horror, but just as a small warning for those who might've came for the more colorful and cheery aspect of Splatoon.

4. And lastly, I do not own anything in this story other than the OCs, the plot, and a few custom locations/groups. The world, previously established lore, and canon characters all belong to Nintendo.

That'll be all. Hope you enjoy the story!

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