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The blue eyed cutie was looking much more cheerful than he usually was today. Because he had a plan, not as detailed as he'd like, but if he was quick enough he'd be free later today.

The truth was, Nathan wasn't quite fond of the prison life, who would be? It was utter shit, even with the group of minions he'd gathered for himself, that all listened to his every order and practically worshipped him, Nathan still wanted to make it out.

It had been 4 years, he'd been moved from the juvenile prison as soon as he turned 18. He liked to believe that he'd managed to make the prison guards have a soft spot for him specifically, but that'd just be delusional. But Nathan didn't need people's sympathy to operate, although it did help.

Out of the blue, one of the prison guards walked up to Nathan, "You have a visitor." he stated in an almost robotic tone.
Nathan frowned, but followed him nonetheless.

What visitor? Why did he have a visitor? Who was this visitor and what could they possibly want? Maybe it was his mother here to sob again and apologize... About something?

Nathan stepped into the heavily guarded room where he'd meet this visitor, and to his disbelief, it was the blond hair and green eyes that he recognized more than anything else in this world. Adam stared at him, completly shell-shocked but trying to act brave and nonchalant, which Nathan found quite stupid.

Nathan sat down in front of the glass that seperated him and Adam, both of them grabbed the phone's that they'd be using to communicate, and Adam opened his mouth but nothing came out.

Seconds past.
Then minutes.
Then a whole 10 minutes with Adam frozen in place, opening his mouth then closing it again when nothing came out.
Nathan huffed, and as soon he was about to put the phone back, Adam finally spoke.

"You monster," he choked, before clearing his throat and staring at Nathan, "You monster!" he yelled, louder now.

Nathan frowned, this definitely wasn't the day for this waste of time. He had a whole letter in his shirt, that he was planning to give to one of the guards at the courtyard later today, and Adam coming in today of all days was horrible.

"You ruined my life! My- My dad killed himself because of you! Happy now!?" Adam yelled, and he was definitely heard by other people who were here to visit their loved ones.

Nathan wasn't happy, but he wasn't sad either. Adam's father meant nothing to him, he wasn't an enemy or someone who Nathan would find useful.

"I'll wait for you to be out Nathan, then-"

Then what?

Nathan actually didn't hear, he'd put the phone back in it's place and walked off. When he glanced back he could still see Adam yelling, screaming even, and pointing at him. No tears in his eyes, he wasn't grieving anymore, he wanted revenge, but Nathan wasn't scared.

Adam didn't have the guts to kill him.


Nathan Meyer, was quite special, contrary to what most believed. He wasn't weird or unsettling, he was simply misunderstood by most.

After his family's car accident, and the death of everyone but his stupid mother, wouldn't you agree that he's deserving of a second chance? I sure would.

Humans always think revenge should be sweet, but I disagree. Revenge should be harsh, and horrid, so my actions are justifiable, aren't they?

Besides, that judge was stupid, they have no proof I killed Mary! I didn't even grade her, and I graded all my murders, based on how easy they'd been for me. No one's figured that out yet, have they? Yeah, I didn't expect them to.
Emotions, emotions, emotions, humans won't survive 100 more years if they continue being this stupid.

That's all they ever think about, how I felt during the murders, you wanna know how and what I felt? Nothing! Absolutely nothing! Except I was frustrated with some of them, that's why they got lower grades than others!
Unlike some pathetic loser, I never denied the murders, now don't I deserve a reward for my honesty? But no! Instead I'm left to rot in this prison cell with a bunch of horny men! Who I wouldn't mind, if they were attractive at least!

Damn you all, once I'm out of here I swear to god I will come for your necks, but I'll take the easy route, with explosives of course.

Anyway, you wanna know about the murders?
1 was hit with a car.
2 was shot.
3 was strangled.
4-6 watched each other slowly die.
7-9 were shot at their stupid jobs.
Stupid how I wasn't able to say that in court! I mean come on, it's obvious I did it!

Now officer, I give you one chance, let me out!!


The prison guard frowned at the piece of paper before looking down at Nathan, "Very convincing argument, kid, unfortunately, no. Also it doesn't make sense, why'd you write A+ at the top of the paper if you ranked them by murders?"

In a swift movement, Nathan yanked a sharp glass shard out of his shirt and stabbed the guard with it. He firmly twisted it around before pulling it out with a huff.

"Idiot," Nathan began, "It's quite complicated, I don't wanna explain the whole thing to a complete dumbass like you! Do you wanna guess who's the A+?" he asked, smiling innocently as he watched the life drain out of the officer.

Nathan laughed hysterically, "I'm the A+!"

He stared out of the courtyard, to freedom, to happiness, to the life he dreamt of.
Yet, in an odd coincidence, all he saw was Adam's car driving away from thr facility, and at seeing that Nathan found himself wondering, what was in store for him?

For Nathan Meyer? Would he change his last name, maybe?

What was really in store for the A+?

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