Adorable monstrosity

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Nathan parked the car in the mostly empty parking lot of the mall. He hadn't done a very good job, but it wasn't like he'd be the one getting fined.

He swung the door open and hopped out of the car, before slamming the door shut behind himself. He didn't bother taking the key to lock the car, he was certain this would take him less than 10 minutes.
Nathan purposefully strode towards the malls main entrance, just because it was empty doesn't mean it was closed. On weekends it'd be open until 4 in the morning, and on weekdays, like today, it was open until 2 in the morning, and he was almost entirely certain it wasn't too late.

His older sister used to work at a local owned clothing store inside this mall, though she mustn't have made many friends due to her constant, insufferable need to analyze anyone and everyone she'd met. Though her 3 co-workers must've despised it more than anyone else, considering all 3 of them had somehow assisted in their murder, that's what Mary wrote.

It wasn't necessarily that Nathan trusted Mary, it was that the list was simply too detailed for it to be fake, logically speaking. Mary wouldn't know the full names of all these people, even if she dug and dug through the internet, it'd be impossible to come up with such a list, and Mary wasn't the brightest anyway.

As soon as Nathan was inside of the mall he only walked for a few seconds before the store was on his right. In it he saw two cashiers, and he knew the last one would be in the very back of the store, in the break room. He couldn't quite remember any of their names, but he did recognize their faces very well, and how his older sister would point at them from a distance and gossip about how they'd ruined her day.

Nathan was well aware he had to be quick in his plan, he knew one of them would contact the authorities, but that didn't matter to him. He knew he was bound to be arrested, but he simply had to kill them all before that.

The nearest police station was 45 minutes away, not a very smart decision, but there could still be officers nearby, he had no time to waste.
Nathan slowly entered the store, the two cashiers must've heard his footsteps because they both looked up from their phones to look at him.

He narrowed his eyes while eyeing both of them, before sprinting towards the break room. Both of them were caught off guard by this, and Nathan reached the break room and swung the door open before they caught up to him. He was exhausted, he wasn't athletic, and was overall just weak due to multiple medical reasons, but he had no time to rest.

He pulled the gun out, and quickly flicked the safety off. The cashier who was in the breakroom, a guy with black hair, stared at the handgun that was aimed at him in horror. He had no time to scream or even beg for mercy before the deafening gunshot could be heard throughout the room, and probably outside the store too.

One gunshot was all it took for the first one, then Nathan turned around to one of the two girl cashiers, who screamed before Nathan shot her in the thigh. His hand was shaky, sure, but that was most definitely on purpose. She fell to the floor, still screaming while gripping her thigh.

As he assumed she would, the other cashier had run out of the breakroom and into the store, to call the police or 911, he didn't know nor did he care. He stepped into the store and saw her desperately gripping her phone to her ear, talking.

Nathan lift the gun up and shot, right in her neck. He furrowed his eyebrows at missing his target, but it had caused her to drop the phone to the floor. She desperately looked at him, tears messily streaming down her face as she shook her head.

"No! No please I'll do anything!"

Nathan raised a brow, completly unimpressed, before he lift up the gun.

"I'd love to spare you, but I don't want to," he said to her, his deep voice could be heard echoing through her mind. Her eyes were even wider than they were before, Nathan lift up the gun a bit before shooting again. She hit the counter before falling to the floor.

Nathan hummed before he spun on his heel and walked back into the break room. The girl had been sobbing, more intensely than he'd seen anyone sob before.
He stood next to her head, before slowly bending down until the gun was right on her forehead, then he shot.

She was the grossest looking one now, Nathan gave a distasteful expression as he wiped some blood off his face before standing up straight again. He carefully placed the gun on the floor next to her, he didn't want to accidentally kill himself after all.


He put his hands in his pockets and walked out of the breakroom, then out of the store. Horrified faces from other stores were looking at the bloody 16 year old wearing a white shirt that was at least 2 sizes too big. But he didn't quite care, he was really craving a corn dog right about now.

Nathan went up one escalator to where the food court was, while whistling the tune of 'Dumb Ways to Die.'
It was quite dumb to die in a minimum wage job, to him at least.

He arrived at the food court and walked to the all too familiar corn dog stand he'd always come to with his older sister. He didn't miss her as much as he missed his twin sister.

The guy who worked at the stand stared at Nathan in horror. Nathan made a finger gun and aimed it at the guys head, tilting his head slightly.

"You- You- Corn dog?" the guy stammered, barely able to speak. Although his delivery was quite hilarious to Nathan, he did indeed want a corn dog, so he nodded.

He watched as the guy made the corn dog, fresh, right in front of him. Then when he was done, with shaky hands he handed Nathan the stick. Nathan snatched it from him and stared at the corn dog for a moment, he stared at it before nodding in approval and taking a small bite of it.

The corn dog was steaming hot, but like with everything else, Nathan didn't care. He walked to a table and sat on it, not a chair, but the actual table. He swung his feet in the air while eating the corn dog.

It didn't take too long for sirens to be heard outside, Nathan pouted a bit as he was only halfway done with the corn dog.
He watched as a huge amount of armed police officers entered the mall, he grinned a little as he chewed. All that for him? He imagined how absolutely ridiculous it would be for several armed officers to drag a 5 foot tall 16 year old boy out of the mall, not to mention the fact that he looked 14 anyway, and with the huge t-shirt he somehow looked even younger.

He watched as someone on the ground floor pointed at the escalator, explaining to the officers where the little psycho had gone. He sighed, taking one final bite of his corn dog before throwing it at the floor.

He wiped his oily hands on the already dirty shirt, and got up from the table.
He walked closer to the escalator that the officers were now hurriedly running up, then he put his hands up, a proud smirk spread across his face.

There was only one person he didn't kill, Mary, but that didn't matter, he'd still done well and he knew it.



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