Alone and lonely

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Adam and Nathan had layed in bed together. Both wide awake, but neither acknowledged the other, Adam was on his phone while Nathan was reading. Their backs facing each other.

Nathan put the book down in the space between him and Adam, and grabbed his phone off the nightstand, staring at it blankly for a few moments before turning to Adam.
12:04AM, Tuesday, October 2nd. Nathan harshly poked Adam, who huffed and turned to face Nathan.

"Uh huh?"

Nathan showed him the time, and furrowed his eyebrows when Adam didn't seem to understand. Nathan then quickly pointed to the window.

"Oh- We'll go somewhere, now?" he asked, Nathan quickly nodded, before staring to write something in his notes app.

Then he turned the phone back to Adam, it read: Take me to the mall, I'll sneak out, you could just walk out through the front door.

Adam hesitated, before quickly nodding, "Yeah- Yeah, okay. Be careful." he said, before standing up.

Nathan watched him as he walked out of the room, closing the door behind himself. He remained on his bed for a few seconds, before throwing his legs over the side and standing up with a small huff.
Nathan looked at his nightstand, then at his hands, he blankly stared at them for a moment, before opening the first drawer of his nightstand, and grabbing his mother's handgun out of it.

He still wasn't used to the weight of it, but it wasn't a problem. He grabbed the leg shroud that he'd found in his mother's car, and after a few confused attempts he attached it to his pants, he then made sure the gun's safety was on, before carefully placing it in the leg shroud.

He dug around in his closet until he found a white t-shirt. It would be massive on Nathan, and that was exactly it's purpose.
He'd stolen it from his parent's closet as soon as his mother grounded him, he knew it'd be useful. It was one of his father's shirts, well, it had to be, Nathan had only seen his father not wearing a suit a handful of times, but he was still certain it belonged to him.

Nathan put the shirt on, and stepped in front of his full body mirror, despising how it looked on him. There was a fine line between looking adorable in a big shirt, and looking like a child, and with this shirt Nathan crossed that line. He looked down at his body in disgust, before just brushing those feelings off. Nathan quickly grabbed some sneakers from his closet and put them on.

He walked to his window and quickly opened it, although it was quite a massive window, it had never been a struggle for Nathan to open it. While he looked outside he noticed Adam's car creeping into sight, and Nathan took that as his signal to begin climbing down.

In a swift and practiced movement, Nathan swung his body out of the window and gripped the ladder firmly, he hurriedly climbed down and trotted over to Adam's car.

Nathan went around the car and swung the passenger seats door open, before quickly hopping inside and slamming the door shut behind him. He pointed ahead, and Adam took it as a sign to start driving.

Nathan buckled up and leaned back with a small and relieved sigh.

Just a few minutes into the drive Adam glanced at Nathan, and Nathan noticed and now looked at him, watching and analyzing the other's every move, even though he was only driving.
Nathan looked down, he knew what Adam was about to ask, the uncomfortable and awkward movements of his hands, and the anxious expression on his face, Nathan had seen it before, countless times.

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