Kill the Sister

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Currently, Najenda had sent Akame on a mission to eliminate many targets, primarily being higher ups such as nobles on the Empire. Before Akame had left, Y/N spoke with her.

"Be safe, Akame. I have someone I must meet with." This peeked Akames interest, however, before she could reply, "It's a secret." Y/N said, knowing what she was thinking. Akame pouted, but received a kiss from Y/N, causing that to disappear quickly. 

Time skip

"This is where I told, where is he?"

Y/N said, referring to someone he wanted to meet with.

"I'm here, Y/N. What do you want?"

Looking forward, one could see Wave, ready for a fight. He himself doesn't even know why he actually came.

You see, Y/N managed to communicate with Wave without being caught, telling him to meet him on the outskirts of the Capital. 

"I need to talk to you about Kurome. You love her, don't you?" Y/N asked, causing Wave to be shocked.

"Ho-how did you know?" Wave asked.

"That doesn't matter. I love Akame. I don't want to see her kill her sister, so how about we make a plan to save them both."

Wave nodded, speaking to Y/N about the plan.

Time skip

It has been a few days since then, and the night the sisters fought was right now. Wave and Y/N were currently hiding in bushes, waiting for the right moment. 

Y/N nodded to Wave as Kurome and Akame were currently fighting. Y/N knew Tatsumi was to soft and would follow Akame, so he sent Wave out to distract him.

This caused an argument between the group, Kurome and Tatsumi telling Wave to back off.

'Sorry Akame, I know you feel like you need to do this, but you don't. I'll save Kurome with you.'

Y/N thought, looking at his lover. 

As the two went for the final blow, Y/N landed between them, blocking their blades.

"Y/N?! What are you doing here?! Get out of the way!" Akame yelled angrily at Y/N. 

"No. I won't allow you to do this. I know you both feel like you need to do this, but you don't. You love your sister and I know she loves you. I can see it. She's not to late to save. I spoke with the doctor. Him as well as Gods Secret Hot spring in the Borderlands can save her."

Hearing this, Akame grew a look of shock. I then pointed my hand over to Wave and Kurome, Wave telling her that he loves her, which is why he needs to do this.

He quickly shattered Yatsufusa, Kurome being shocked at this.

"Yatsufusa, no! Wave! Why did you do that?!"

Wave smiled, picking her up bridal style.

"That sword was warping your mind. I had to do it, Kurome. I love you."

Kurome looked up in shock, looking directly at Wave. They kissed, making Akame actually smile.

Wave then put Kurome down and walked over to us with her, allowing me to finish explaining my plan.

"Kurome and Wave will be 'dead'. They died trying to fight us. Kuromes broken blade will prove that. In reality, they will flee the Empire and meet the doctor. After we finish up here, we'll meet up with them. However, it's up to you two now. If you still wish to stay in the Empire, I will no longer stop you."

"Well, Kurome...what do you think?" Akame asked, hope in her eyes.

"Big sis...I...I want to be your sister again!" Kurome yelled, jumping into Akames arms as they hugged each other. They then put their foreheads against eachother, Akame saying,

"Live a good life, Kurome. I'll see you soon." Kurome nodded, wishing Akame good luck and leaving with Wave, abandoning the Empire.

Akame then looked at Y/N, then pile dived him, hugging him to the ground and crying tears of joy,

"Thank you, Y/N! Thank you, thank you, thank you..."
Y/N smiled at her, her still having a vice grip on him.

"I love you, Akame." "I love you too, Y/N."

Time skip

The remaining members of Night Raid are all eating, getting ready for the following day, the day of the war. Y/N was very nervous. He had been training a lot and was now able to activate his Trump Card, however...he knew it. There was more power he needed. He didn't know why, but he felt it. Somethings going to happen.

Looking over, he noticed something horrifying...

"AKAME! ARE YOU OKAY?!" Y/N shouted. You see Akame was eating...slowly.

Everyone was panicking as Akame looked up, speaking.

"Nothing...Sorry. I apologize for spoiling everyone's good mood. But I was just...reminded of everyone...Sheele...Bulat...Chelsea...Su...And all of you. It's thanks to everyone, that at this moment, I'm still standing here now."

Y/N smiled at her, giving her a quick hug.

Akame continued, "Our final mission...We will eliminate those who have rotted and corrupted this country...At any and all costs! That is our sworn duty as those who have survived! NOW THAT I'VE GOTTEN THAT OFF MY CHEST, LETS EAT!"

Akame shouted, inhaling the food.

Akame then said something making us all smile, "When this is all over, let's all take a boat together to some foreign country. If by some some chance that all of this actually comes true, I hope Kurome and Wave would be willing to join us...If that trip actually ends up happening...It would be the most amazing trip ever..."

Y/N smiled, picking up Akame bridal style and bringing her to their room. Setting her down on the bed, he lied down next to her, cuddling and giving her a kiss, which she gladly returned.

"I love you, Y/N. I love you a lot."

"I love you more than you could imagine, Akame." Y/N replied, smiling at Akame and giving her a big kiss.


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