Kill the Executioner

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Currently, the entirety of Night Raid could be seen in the meeting room, preparing for another mission. It was revealed that Zanku the Beheader was back, terrorizing the capital. Preparing to leave, Tatsumi had a single question, "What is an Imperial Arms?" 

This surprised Y/N, being seriously confused as to how he didn't know, despite living with one. 

"I'll explain." Y/N stated, gaining the attention of Tatsumi.

"Imperial Arms were created one thousand years ago by the order of the first Emperor, in fear that the great Empire would fall. To prevent this, he gathered many materials, scientists and black smiths. The creation of the Imperial Arms are the results of their great effort. There were 48 of them in total, however, a lot of them were lost about 500 years ago during the Civil War. It's currently unknown how many of the original 48 remain. These Imperial Arms were created from Danger Beasts and the aforementioned materials. The Imperial Arms generally hold the ability of the Danger Beast that was used to create them. Some Imperial Arms, such as I, are not limited to one ability."

This seemed to make Tatsumi more curious, giving him a few more questions, like "When do I get my own Imperial Arms?" He asked, rather excitedly, but was told by Mine that they didn't have any just sitting around. He had one more question, that being "So Y/N, you're an Imperial Arms, right? Do you remember anything about your past?"

Y/N nodded solemnly, answering, "Yes. I have been asleep for many years, but I do have a few memories. Such as the first Emperor when he met me, as well as the Civil War. However, most things before and after that are a blank, as I was not in use. I am still unsure as to why I only just now woke up. However, I believe it is because I detected a suitable master and responded as such."

Tatsumi nodded, with yet another question, asking me "You said you can destroy other Imperial Arms, right? Does that make you the ultimate Imperial Arms? Like, the strongest one?"

Y/N sighed, but chuckled a little, "Well I am technically the 'strongest' in the sense that I am built to fight Imperial Arms, I am by no means the most destructive. There are a few that come to mind."

Before Tatsumi could ask another question, the Boss told us to go. 

Time skip

Currently I was alone. Akame and Tatsumi were together and Najenda decided that I would be fine on my own. After asking my user, Akame, for permission, I went off. After about a half hour of wandering around on my own, I noticed it.

'A fight. Someone is fighting nearby.'    

Running off in that direction, I noticed Tatsumi fighting a losing battle against Zanku. 

Deciding to end the pointless fight, I dropped down between them. 

"Hoh, and who might you be?" 

The Executioner asked, however, I ignored him." 

"Y/N! Be careful, that eyeball thing can read minds!" 

Nodding my head, I spoke to my now fighter.

"Spectator, I presume? Not bad. However, I am your worst possible matchup."

"Why do you say that, Y/N?" 

Replying quickly, I stated "You shall see."

After saying this, I charged at Zanku, shocking him with my speed. As I got to him, I formed a small line of aura and sent it at him, attempting to slice him in two. He dodged quickly and jumped back.

"Like that little brat behind you said, I can read your mind! I know what  you're going to do!" 

"I know. However, I wanted to see how reliant you are on Spectator before I did this."

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