The Hunter and The Hunted PT 2

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*Click, click, click* 

In the distance, Y/N noticed the Minister himself, as well as Syura and Budo walking towards his cell. The Minister chuckled as he looked in at Y/N, receiving a glare. 

"So, this is The God of All: Kyuukyoku?" The Minister asked, looking at Budo. Budo simply nodded.

"I see. You, Kyuukyoku, why are you fighting the Great Empire? You were created to protect it." 

The Minister asked, receiving a laugh. 

"The Great Empire no longer exists. It ended as soon as you took control of that boy." The Minister chuckled again, Budo just grimaced. As much as he hated to admit it, Kyuukyoku was correct.

"I see. Kyuukyoku, if you join the Empire, I shall spare you and your owner." 

"Hahahaha! That isn't a bad deal, but I'm afraid I will have to decline. Now, fuck off." 

After hearing this, the Minister got quite annoyed. "Hm... what to do with you, then. I have an idea. For now, Syura, have some fun." 

Budo and the Minister walked off, leaving Syura with Y/N. 

"Kyuukyoku... I swear those other boys called you Y/N." "You can call me what you want." Y/N replied. 

Syura then walked into his cell, preparing to torture the Imperial Arms, but as soon as he got close-


His read was sent rolling. Y/N had created a line of aura and sent it at Syura, killing him.

"All that talk, yet you can't even dodge something so simple. Pathetic." 

Y/N was about to cut himself free when he heard the familiar sound of high heels walking to his cell. Looking up, he saw an amused General Esdeath. 

" I never did like that brat." She mused to herself, looking at the lifeless body of Syura. 
"You know, if you join me, I could easily free you from this fate. Join me and serve with me." Esdeath stated, wanting to battle with Y/N again and again.

"Ha, sorry, but no." Y/N said. The General seemed a little upset but left it.

"They plan on executing you publicly, you know. I will be the one to do it myself." 

Y/N ignored her, not caring at all. 

Time skip

Y/N was currently raised in the air, on a cross. Staring straight forward at nobody in particular.

Budo and Esdeath were standing in front of him, discussing with eachother what was going to happen.

 Y/N looked around, 'Those disgusting people. Laughing and talking away. Do they enjoy my situation? I apologize, first Emperor. But it looks like I will have to destroy this place to fix it. I hope you can forgive me.' Y/N thought. 

"Budo. I know that you don't agree with this Empire. Why don't you join us and destroy it?" Y/N asked the Great General, receiving a glance from the two in front of him, "My family has served the Empire for years as guardians to the throne. After I annihilate the Revolutionary rats, I will kill the Minister and fix this place." Budo stated, receiving a tisk from Y/N.  

'At which point, I will fight you myself!' Esdeath thought excitedly. Esdeath then walked up to Y/N, speaking, "It's not too late, you know. If you join me now, I won't have to kill you, the almighty Imperial Arms." 

"Hahahahaha! You think I plan on dying here? Well... I suppose someone like you wouldn't know." 

"Know what?" Budo asked from behind. Y/N didn't reply. Esdeath walked up and prepared to kill Y/N, however-

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