Ozpins Offer

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Outsider: Here's a tip, if you're standing still while using Blink, all-time around you stops, allowing you to plan your next move.

(Y/N): Good to know; that will be useful.

(Y/N) decides to Blink behind the first henchman and stab his folding sword into his right shoulder, (Y/N) then quickly takes out his pistol and shoots the henchman to his left in the head, gaining the attention of Roman, and the Girl; he then finishes it off by snapping the first guy's neck, taking the sword out of his shoulder and blinking next to the Girl.

Roman: You were worth every cent. Truly you were. (to (Y/N) and the Girl, dropping his cigar and crushing it with his cane as approaching police sirens are heard) Well, Red and Black, I think we can all say it's been an eventful evening, and as much as I'd love to stick around... (raises his cane and opens the bottom to reveal a rifle with a cross grid) ...I'm afraid this is where we part ways.

Roman unleashes a red blast at the two, (Y/N) Blink's away as the Girl jumps over it. When they look back, Roman isn't there and is now climbing up a ladder on a nearby building.

Girl: (to the onlooking shopkeeper) You okay if I go after him?

The shopkeeper gives a short "Uh huh," and the Girl sets off.

(Y/N): Oh well, ignore me then. Sorry about the window, sir.

Roman makes it to the roof, with the Girl high-flying again and landing behind him as (Y/N) Blink's up to the roof.

Girl/(Y/N): Hey! / Hey asshole!

Roman: (stopping at the edge) Persistent...

(Y/N) and the Girl get ready to fight him, but a getaway Bullhead rises up and opens the hatch to allow Roman inside.

Roman: (turning around and holding up a red Dust gem) End of the line Red and Black.

He throws it at their feet and fires at them, but (Y/N) activates Blink to stop time and try to get away, but he sees someone coming towards them; the Heart tells him to wait for the person, so he deactivates Blink, letting Romans shot connect resulting in a massive explosion.

Roman: Whoa-ho-ho-ho! (Stops laughing when he sees something on the roof) Huh?

A woman in a purple cape is now in front of (Y/N) and the Girl, casting a circle of protection over them with her wand. As the two look on, The Woman In Purple waves her weapon and summons several streaks of purple at the craft. Roman is thrown around in the back until he goes to the cockpit, dropping something onto the roof in the process; in the cockpit, there is a woman in red, her face unseen, and she is struggling with the controls.

Roman: We got a Huntress!

The woman in red gets up and heads towards the back as Roman takes the controls.

The Huntress glows purple for a moment and aims another blast above the craft, resulting in a dark storm cloud right over the jet.

Roman/(Y/N): The hell...?

With a flick of her wand, large, jagged hail starts falling that pummels the jet and even breaks through the window, narrowly missing Roman's head.

Roman: Can you hurry up? I almost just got lobotomized by a fucking icicle woman!

Woman in red: I'm trying!

The woman in red reaches back, and her arms and chest light up like fire, aiming a burst of energy at the Huntress, The Huntress blocks it, but the flame splatters behind her and glows hot with the enemy's raised hand. The Huntress backflips out of the explosion, which destroys part of the roof, and magically gathers the shards to create a large arrow, which she throws at the craft. The Fiery Woman shatters the arrow with several blasts, but it reforms just in time to hit the side of the jet due to Roman's quick aerial lean. The wreckage separates and reshapes into more arrows that encircle the jet, but the Fiery Woman summons several glowing rings around herself that expand and destroy the shards.

An Outsider to Remnant (A Dishonored x Rwby fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant