Part 3

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Maddie was really excited to tell Paige the good news about the race that might happen later on in the year or next year cause it was going to make total sense to do it next year that way the hospital has time to get more sponsors lined up as well as registration and getting the word out as well cause they had to let everybody know that they are going to be doing a soap box derby for the little kids and also they had to go through the American soap box derby association as well for approval for the race

"Maddy they will let us know as soon as possible until then you just have to hold on okay" he tells her cause she has been very antsy lately about the race cause she really wanted to do it and show her father that she could be just like his character in miracle in lane two and maybe she could all the way to Akron and race in the finals

Maddy was going to be on edge until she got her answer that she wanted to hear really bad cause she had the need for racing at her age

"Maddy we have to be really patient right now and wait for the answer from the hospital so n the race and if they give us the green light for your race mommy will get racing shirts made up that says Madeline soap box team on it cause I'll have a shirt, daddy will have a shirt, you will have a shirt and your brother and sister will have a shirt as well" Paige tells her cause she could tell Maddy was anxious to hear the news about the race and Paige was trying to make it easier on her as well the best that she could


"The soap box race for Maddy age is a go" the hospital administrator says as he came into the room to tell Maddy the news about the race and all of the details as well too cause she needed to be the first to know the news about the race

Maddy was really happy that she was going to be racing like her dad did when he was in miracle in lane two and her dad was going to help by being her voice

"Now we have to be with mommy and I'm sure mommy will be really excited to be a part of your pit crew when it comes time for you to race and I know for a fact she will be cheering you on from the sidelines as you race" he says as they were heading up to Paige's room to tell her the news that Maddy was going to be racing on her first soapbox race ever so young

Maddy was super pumped for the race and she knew she couldn't drive her soapbox car in the hospital so she was going to be in her wheelchair the whole time mommy was in the hospital at the time until her siblings were born, and if she gets restless the security guard will block off the one parking garage the one that is the most empty at the time, and she will get to practice racing and working on her breaking as well so when the race comes she will be able to break just fine and control her speed of her race car as well as she goes down the hill and that was not going to be easy right now if she works on it and it wears her out she might be able to get some sleep as well and she will sleep through the night hopefully without any problems at all, and when she wakes up and the babies have not arrived yet she was going to practice racing in her wheelchair that way she can work on her speed a little bit better as well cause there are plenty of ramps in the hospital that she can practice on to help her with controlling her speed for her race cause she wanted to save some of her fun stuff that she had in her bag for much later on

"Princess you have to cool your jets a little longer I know mommy will video record you and daddy will be running your pit" he says as he heads to Paige's room to see her and they have to tell her the good news as well cause she was going to be excited for the race as well for Mandy

Frankie knew she had the need for speed really bad maybe she might get a go kart or something to help her deal with the need for speed that she has cause it was going to be hard to control it so the go kart and a racing game was in her future as well until the race happens sometime when he didn't know off the top of his head right now and he was hoping it was going to be soon

"Paige we have some news" he says as he comes into the hospital room with Maddy who was on cloud nine right now cause she was going to be racing in the soap box derby for little kids sometime in the next few months maybe or next year depending on the timing

"What is that I take it is great news by how Maddy is right now cause she is in hyper drive right now zooming in and out of my room and it looks like she is really excited about something and she wanted to spread the news

"Yeah and the race is going to be a go so we have a little racer on our hands and I have to get her and put on the breaks cause she is bound to run into something at the speed that she is going" he says as he was going to look to see where she could sit cause if she was in her chair it was not going to end well at all and she was going to be injured from the speed that she was going

Frankie had her sit in a chair in the room and he was going to give her gaming system that way she could still race as she was sitting still and maybe he could push her out of the room when the time came for the babies to be born cause she was going to be in the waiting room all by herself for the moment sadly and if the babies came during the night she was going to be okay cause the nurses were going to fix her a bed in the waiting room to sleep on cause she could not be home alone while her parents were at the hospital and she was so well behaved as well so she was okay to stay the night in the hospital that way once the babies were born she could see them right away once they were cleaned up of course and were in the nursery as well while mommy was recovering from the births as well cause she was going to be really sore from the births and Frankie was going to let her rest and was going to spend some one on one time with Maddie while Paige sleeps

"That's awesome Frankie this is going to be a family affair you can run her pit I can be in the stands with the babies and video recording her so we can watch it back later on so we can help her improve" Paige says as she was going through the contractions right now

Part 4 will be coming on my next Monday off I get and it isn't busy like it is today or I get called into work or if I'm scheduled to work on Monday like I have been for a while cause of little to no help that we have at both stores cause the leader up at the other store is still out with her hip so I'm helping both the leader down here and the assistant manager at the other store as well which is interesting in itself as well from time to time too cause both stores have very little help right now as it is still sadly once again and yesterday I was at the other store on a holiday and it was busy up there and I was busy today trying to finish a story I was updating last night but I fell asleep due to pure exhaustion from the day in general which happens a lot cause of little to no help at that store and at this store as well I hope we get people at open interviews that we have coming up this week cause this is getting ridiculous like totally ridiculous working like this week to week people quitting suddenly

New chapter in time maybe hopefully

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