Part 2

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Frankie and Maddie was in the garage working on her racer cause it was going to be something they could do together as well and he could work with her to get her used to her break that she was going to be using

"Maddie this is going to be one special racer and it's going to be for one special girl" he says as they kissed cause they were going to do a run that night maybe to see how it works for her as well and see how the wheels work as well cause the neighborhood was going to do a mini soap box derby for the little kids and Maddie was really excited for it as well cause she was going to put her racer to good use

"Frankie" it's time" Paige says as she comes into the garage cause she knew where he was and she knew what he was doing

"Time for what Paige?" he asks her

"Time to go to the hospital" she tells him

Frankie knows what's happening and he knows they are going to have three kids under four in a matter of hours as well and maybe a day or two

"Okay Paige let me get Maddy all squared away with whoever is going to watch her while we are at the hospital" he says as he was going to start going down the list to see who was available to watch Maddy on short notice and if no one was available to watch her they were going to take her to the hospital with them and Frankie was going to load up her racer so she could race a little bit in the parking garage to see how the racer does as well cause he wanted to see it in action as well too

No one was available to watch Maddy for Frankie and Paige so Frankie got his girls loaded up Maddy was in her racer of course cause she wanted to drive it down the other ramp cause they took the two almost three ramp van to the hospital and she loved being in her racer as well too and if they parked on the parking garage she could drive it into the hospital for a change and get some practice as well with her breaking as well cause she had to practice breaking


The hospital saw her racer and they were going to sponsor a race for her age group and Maddie was really excited that she was going to race for fun and maybe she can get a trophy cause they saw kids her age on the sidelines and they were not happy that they could not race like their siblings and kids like Maddie could not race either, so this was going to motivate the hospital to sponsor a race next year for Maddie and they were going to see if Akron was up to have a race for the little kids and the special little kids as well

"Can we see her race a little bit?" the hospital director asks Frankie

"Sure you can if you want I am sure Maddie is up for a little racing and showing what she has been working on" Frankie tells the director

Maddie was happy she was able to race a little bit and show the director what she could do and how her racer works for her cause she was a special kid cause the hospital might want to sponsor her as she gets older and she races for real

"She is good and does she have any special breaks to help her?" the director asks Frankie

"Yeah she has a hand break cause she is paralyzed from the waist down" he says as he was going to show the director her racer as he helped her out cause they had to get into the hospital to be with Paige and since Frankie was her coach as well

"I'm going to present this to the board and if they are happy with this we might do a race just for her age category and we will have a special division for kids like her" the director says to Frankie as he loaded the racer back up in the van and got Maddie in her chair to go into the hospital

Maddie was really happy about that and she was hoping that she could race for real

"Now hold your horses little lady we have to wait and see what happens so now you can just practice racing like at the house, and the hill that is by the house" he tells her as they went inside

Maddie was really excited to tell Paige the good news about the race that might happen later on in the year or next year cause it was going to make total sense to do it next year that way the hospital has time to get more sponsors lined up as well as registration and getting the word out as well cause they had to let everybody know that they are going to be doing a soap box derby for the little kids and also they had to go through the American soap box derby association as well for approval for the race

"Maddy they will let us know as soon as possible until then you just have to hold on okay" he tells her cause she has been very antsy lately about the race cause she really wanted to do it and show her father that she could be just like his character in miracle in lane two and maybe she could all the way to Akron and race in the finals

Maddy was going to be on edge until she got her answer that she wanted to hear really bad cause she had the need for racing at her age

"Maddy we have to be really patient right now and wait for the answer from the hospital so n the race and if they give us the green light for your race mommy will get racing shirts made up that says Madeline soap box team on it cause I'll have a shirt, daddy will have a shirt, you will have a shirt and your brother and sister will have a shirt as well" Paige tells her cause she could tell Maddy was anxious to hear the news about the race and Paige was trying to make it easier on her as well the best that she could


"The soap box race for Maddy age is a go" the hospital administrator says as he came into the room to tell Maddy the news about the race and all of the details as well too cause she needed to be the first to know the news about the race

Maddy was really happy

Happy Thanksgiving

more will come hopefully maybe if I'm ever off again I highly doubt it right now cause of no help and also sickness thrown into the mix too as well as closings and the internal audit and also going back and forth or come into a disaster too

Happy holidays and happy New Year

on hold due to my work schedule

Frankie's special little girl wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now