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I write a long letter for Lief. It's about three pages. I fold it and put it into an envelope supplied by Percy's desk.

"How does mail work?" I ask Darius.

He perks up immediately. He's been sullen without my attention. It's quite pathetic.

"You put the address and the recipient and a stamp and then put it in your mail box. Then the mail carrier takes it to them."

I frown. "I don't know Lief's address. I only know how to get there by car."

"You're sending a letter to Lief?"

"Yes. I need to apologize for stealing his car and tell him that I want to go back to Rubia and help everyone I hurt."

Darius stares at me. "You're going to leave?"

"I mean, yeah. It's not like I can live here forever, I'd have to go somewhere eventually."

"You can live here forever, I'm sure Percy wouldn't mind."

I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose. "Just because I'm leaving doesn't mean I'll never talk to you guys again."

"But I'll never get to see you. I like your face way better than your words."

"You can scry."

Darius is literally pouting.

"I need to do something to atone, Darius, I can't just hang out in this shop and be happy for the rest of my life."

"Well, why not? I can make you miserable if that's what you want."

"Oh yeah, I know you can. Fucking obnoxious. But I want to help the people I hurt. It's... what you're supposed to do when you did something wrong. And you guys will still be around after I die and become a demon, so I'll come find you then."

"What if you don't remember us? What if you dont survive long enough to transform? You know it's dangerous down there, and mages are weakest right after they die. It takes like 100 years to fully become a demon, too, and you can't leave until then or you'll be permanently dead."

"Just try and make up with your dad before I die and then come protect me in Hell when I die, if you're that worried about my survival."

"I don't want you to leave. How am I supposed to threaten you from across an ocean?"

I rub my head. "Come on, Darius, you've only known me for two months. Get ahold of yourself. And besides, it won't be for a while. I have to figure out transport."

"What if the Rubians kill you for what you did?"

"Then I die and maybe I get some cool horns or something."

"I bet you'd just get a gross deformed tail and some big orcish bottom teeth. I bet your jaw would jut out and make your face all gross."

"Oh, fuck you, I bet I'll get tall and have elegant horns and sick talons and sharp teeth that I can use to tear out the throats of annoying pricks like you."

Darius stares at me. "That would be pretty hot."

I close my eyes and imagine tearing out his throat with ny teeth for a second.


The bell on the door rings.,

"Sorry to interrupt, I believe you have mail?"

I jump, and look over to Bee.

"Oh, I'm so glad you're here. I have a letter for Lief."

I hand it to her.

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