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I think Percy keeps forgetting how good my hearing is, because I did hear them talking through the door before they went downstairs.

Darius wants me to be flirting with him, which... I don't even know what to think about that, I honestly just want to beat him up but I suppose it could be something with demons. And Percival said very resolutely that we are just friends, in a way that implied they've spoken about that before.

I decided to just ignore all that and go to bed after I heard them talking, though.


I sit out in the storefront as per usual, watching as people walk by. Darius sits on the ground behind the counter, reading one of his books which I'm pretty sure aren't appropriate, based on the titles.

"Do you know what exactly Percy does when he leaves me in charge of the shop?" I ask.

He shrugs. "Some side hustle. I assume whatever it is, it's the reason everybody knows him and nobody wants him dead, I think. Usually if everyone in this place knows about somebody at least one person wants to kill you."

I hum. "I suppose he wouldn't want you to know about it either, since he acts like it's a big safety concern."

"Why do you want to know?" Darius asks, folding the page of his book and looking up at me with over half his eyes.

"I like knowing things."

"Are you worried about him? He can handle himself."

"I'm sure he can."

"But you are worried!"

"Leave off it. I thought you didn't want to be in the shop, since you're wanted and all?"

Darius groans. "Don't start questioning what I'm doing, now, I'd rather listen to you worry about Percy."

"I'm not questioning you and I'm not worried. I just wish you'd fuck off."

He hums. "It's boring to sit down in the basement all day. You're at least a little entertaining."

"You're incredibly obnoxious."

"Thanks, I try."

I roll my eyes and lean my chin on my hand. "We haven't had a single customer."

Darius hums, and picks his book back up. I decide to check through the stock, since the shop is totally deserted.

"We're missing items, I guess that's from all the teenagers coming in just to steal," I mutter.

"I'm surprised anybody would dare steal our scam items with you staring them down."

"Well, I don't particularly care to stop them. We don't sell enough for it to really matter."

I restock some of the small things that have been taken--mostly just little jars and clumps of sage.

"Well, at least they aren't snagging the shit scrying mirrors. You might need one if yours melts from overuse," Darius says from behind me.

He stood up and started following me around at some point, I guess.

"I don't use it that often."

"I'd say every night for several hours is pretty often. The magic use keeps Percy up."

I sigh. "I have to keep an eye on someone."

"Is it whoever put out that missing persons report? Percy's been tearing down the posters."

"Yeah. Probably I shouldn't be out in public, but I'm not letting it fuck up my life like that."

"Why are you a missing person?"

Azarius spinoffTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang