20.0 || The Friend. ||

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((A/n: um hey... dont hate me after these couple of chapters its a cannon event 😋))

Jotaro took a sharp turn, cutting between two cars.

"Why the hell are you squeezing me so tight?" Jotaro questioned, speeding past a just turned red light.

"That's what she said." You muttered and flinched at the car that almost hit you all.
"And because you're driving like a maniac!" You told noticing Polnareff nod at your words.

Before he could take another turn, Polnareff yelled. "Stop!" He pointed and your eyes widened.
"That car is totaled..." You got closer to the wreckage and Jotaro looked up.
"Up there, Dio and the old man are on the roof."


Kakyoin's POV

It's weird. Or maybe I am. The address books of my classmates are filled with the names of their friends. They must have fifty friends each, maybe even hundred. My mother has my father, and my father has my mother...

but I have nobody.

The rock stars on TV must have tens of thousands of friends....

but I have nobody.

I'll probably never meet anyone who sees me for who I really am. All because not a single friend of mine can see my Hierophant Green. Anyone who can't see it will never truly understand me.

Until I met her.

- The Summer of 1987 Cairo, Egypt -

Kakyoin's family trip was fascinating.. and educational but it lacked the fun factor his parents wanted him to have so dearly.

So what better way to have fun then to go on those adventurous tours every tourists goes on when visiting!?

"And here we have the greatest street market in Cairo, Khan El-Khalili! You guys are free to leave and go on your own but only for an hour! After that we will be taking a-" The guide was disrupted by some yelling that piqued the interest of the male.

"Y/n, stop it! You do not have a cat which also means you do not need to buy so much fish!" The older woman exclaimed while dragging who he presumed was her daughter from a shop.

"It's my money, why does it matter what I do with it?! And you're making a scene!" She  retorted holding onto the nearest pole with her life.

Kakyoin's mom tapped him, she seemed to ignore the problem and point to the male next to them.
"Look! I think thats the guitarist in that small band your father loves so much!"
His fathers jaw dropped and the two gushed on whether it was truly him.
Their words only grazed Kakyoin's ear, his gaze set on the cat the older woman claimed to not exist.

The mother let go and looked towards the male accompanying them for help.
He only shrugged his shoulders, "I mean the kid does kinda have a point M/n." She gave him a look and the males eyes widened, turning to the teen.

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