9.0 || Creepy Town. ||

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Anne left as fast as she returned.
She was very reluctant to go, wanting to stay with you all but that was an obvious no.

Joseph gave her a brief summary of the situation and it changed her view.
But before she boarded the plane she quickly embraced you, melting your heart instantly.

She seemed to be looking for someone after your hug but still went on the plane leaving you all with, "See ya! Life is just a bunch of goodbyes!"
As the plane took off Jotaro walked over with his hands in his pockets.
"Hm? Where'd you go Jojo?"

"Bathroom." He said watching the plane fly higher.

When it was out of sight Joseph clapped his hands and turned around. "Well, let's get back on the road."

Pakistan is a young country , established in 1947 following it's separation from India. But when primitive peoples first began to live in Japan, there was already civilization in Pakistan.
Here in Pakistan, the people carry on the five thousand year history of the Indian subcontinent.

Once again you were sandwiched in between the two relatives as Kakyoin was in the passenger and Polnareff in the driver.

The top off, blue Jeep drove through the fog, and it seemed to only get thicker.
"Polnareff, is it safe to drive right now? It appears the fog in this area is getting quite thick."

"Yeah it might be dangerous. Since there's a sheer drop to one side and no guard rail." He replied keeping his eyes on the road.
"The fog is getting thicker up ahead." Joseph acknowledged, taking out his pocket watch.
He checked the time. "It's not even 3 o'clock yet but I guess we have no choice. Let's find a place to stay in that town for the night."

Copycat laid on your lap sleeping. As you got closer to the town he rose his head, alert.
You followed his gaze and your eyes widened.
Was that a dog's corpse?!
Jotaro had seen the impaled dog too, thinking the same thing.

"What's the matter, you two?" Joseph questioned and you brushed it off.
"Oh, it's nothing."
He didn't seem to believe it but didn't pester on, which you were grateful for.

Moments later you arrived in town and it gave an eerie and weird feeling.

"This is a nice little town. I'd say it has a population of a few thousand." Joseph said observing the fogged streets, before you came to a stop.
Kakyoin was the first to get out. "Let's ask about a hotel at that restaurant there." He pointed.

You stood behind Polnareff as he spoke.
"It sure is a weirdly quiet town...Every other place has been super crowded and noisy."

"It's probably because of the fog." Joseph dismissed and he stopped you all in front of the restaurant.
"Listen up everyone. In Pakistan, and further west in the Islamic world, this is how you greet people."
"First you smile and say..."
He grinned and turned to the man standing at the entrance of the restaurant.
"Assalamu alaikum!"


He was only met with silence.

You gave him a soft smile even though he couldn't see it. I mean he pronounced it better than most people. You encouraged mentally, watching the guy flip the sign from 'Open' to 'Closed'

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