☆Forever And Always- Radiodust

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"I knew it would look perfect on you! Black and red really are your colors. Besides, I thought ya could use a little change from your regular ties," Anthony explained, earning himself another kiss on the cheek from Alastor.

"I love it," he said before taking out the last thing the box contained. It's was a jazz record that appeared to be in pristine condition. Alastor picked it up carefully, admiring the packaging by running his fingers over it. It was his mother's favorite songs all in one record, and Anthony had given it to him. "Anthony..."

"Awe geez, do ya not like it? I can get ya another one if you-" he was quickly cut off by Alastors lips on his.

"Its perfect, thank you so much," Alastor said once he pulled away. Anthony smiled when Alastor stood, walking over and placing he record into the player. The soft sound of smooth jazz filled the air, and Anthony chuckled when Alastor outstretched his hand to him. "May I have this dance, my dear?"

Anthony chuckled, "c'mon babe, I know you better than that. You won't let me get off the couch until I can walk properly."

Alastor rolled his eyes, gently taking Anthony's hand and slowly pulling up. He snakes his arms around Anthony's waist to support him, allowing Anthony to wrap his arms around his neck. Though his feet touched the floor, it felt as though he was floating. He felt no pain, just sore, and he smiled happily when Alastor started to sway to the music.

"We haven't done this in a while," Anthony said, kissing Alastors lips, "we should do this more often."

"I couldn't agree more," Alastor replied, returning the kiss. "Thank you for my gifts, Anthony."

Anthony giggles and pressed his forehead against Alastors, "you're welcome. Happy birthday, Al."


Alastor trudged down the sidewalk, the sound of the many conversations amongst the groups of people were irritating. As if he needed another reason to be pissed off. Currently he was on his way to the hospital where his boyfriend resided, bed ridden and in pain. On a job for his bastard of a father, Anthony was beaten and assaulted, and if Molly hadn't gotten there when she did, Anthony would've been on the brink of death.

Alastor walked through the front doors of the hospital, cheerfully greeting the woman at the front desk. He had been coming there so much for the past week that almost everyone in the hospital grew used to his presence, though of course he couldn't let word get out that he wasn't just here to see his "friend", but he was here to see his boyfriend. Still, the staff were nice and they took very good care of Anthony.

He made his way to Anthony's room, softly knocking on the door before walking in. There Anthony sat on the uncomfortable bed, his face neutral as he flipped the page of the book Alastor had brought him. Though he quickly looked up and placed the book to the side when he heard his lover enter the room, smiling brightly and outstretching his arms for a hug, which Alastor was happy to provide.

"Greetings, Anthony," Alastor said, taking a seat in he chair next to the bed, "How are you feeling, my angel?"

Anthony blushed and sat up a bit more, "I've been alright, the doctor said that I can go home soon. Though I was wondering if I could stay with you for a little while until I'm fully recovered before I go home?"

Alastor placed a gentle kiss against the back of Anthony's hand, "of course, darling. You are always welcome with me."

The two talked about random things after that, though most of their conversations were about the book that Anthony had been reading. It was one of Alastors favorites and he was more than happy to talk about it.

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