Prodigious (Raeda Week Day 1)

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While it was not all they played, Eda usually associated her best friend, Raine, with smaller and more dainty instruments. She knew they could play anything, but the viola was their absolute favorite.

She still recalled the lecture she'd gotten all those months ago when she accidentally called it a violin.

That being said, when Eda arrived at school in the early evening for grudgby practice, the last thing she expected to see was her friend with a ginormous tuba perched not-to-daintily on their shoulder.

Eda snickered, trying and failing to keep a straight face as she approached Raine at the bleachers.

Sneaking up behind them, Eda tapped one of her long nails against the brass; Raine jumped at the tinny sound, slightly startled.

"Eda!" They scolded, "You shouldn't sneak up on people like that." Their face betrayed their words as they broke out in a shit-eating grin.

Eda giggled, flushing, "Sorry, Rainestorm," she silently prayed to the Titan that her face didn't look as warm as it felt, "Couldn't help myself."

She jumped off the step to sit beside them, "So, how'd you stuck playing tuba of all things?" She bumped their shoulder playfully, smirking.

They brought a hand to their mouth to hide their smile, "It's the backbone of the marching band, Eda!" they argued, gently shoving her in return.

"I don't even know how you're carrying that thing!" Eda replied, laughing.

Raine stuck their tongue out at her, "Don't underestimate me, Clawthorne," They said, even as they nearly lost their balance, "We attacked a coven head a few months ago! Obviously, I can carry a tuba around for a few hours." They sat up and beamed, gesturing to themself with pride.

Eda was definitely blushing now, confidence looked good on them.

Raine raised an eyebrow at her complexion, smiling smugly as she turned away in embarrassment.

Raine shrugged, "It'll take some getting used to," they commented, Eda welcomed the change of subject as she turned to look at them again, "I'll be glad for the practice, my ma's don't have their own tuba and it's actually quite fascinating."

Eda scoffed, "Only you would call a tuba 'fascinating', nerd." She said, affectionately.

Raine rolled their eyes, still smiling, "Don't you have somewhere to be, Calamity?"

Eda's eyes widened, "Oh dang, you're right!" She hopped off the bleachers, almost falling over in the process, "See you tomorrow though, right?"

Raine grinned, "Of course!"

Eda playfully ruffled their hair, "Have a good practice, Rainestorm!" She called out as she jogged away.

They didn't have a chance to reply, but as they watched her cross the grudgby field they noticed a surge of warm affection settled in their chest.

See for notes on this story...

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