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Inhaling, Raine allowed their eyes to slip closed. Fatigued and heavy, they rested their bow on the taught strings of their viola. Slowly releasing the breath they had been holding, they performed the first note of their melody; trying not to let all the mental possibilities, all the what-ifs, ruin this.

They felt the energy seep into the ground below them as the forest was swathed in a hazy golden glow. They took note of the sudden weightlessness, gravity lessening under the influence of the music, Eda smiled at them.

"Is there any chance we'll make it? " They wanted to ask—but refrained. Their lives were a small price to pay for the survival of the isles.

Eda quickly turned away, listening to the rhythm Raine had set and nodding along as she began to pluck her mandolin.

Back to back, Raine strained to see how Eda was handling, the eye contact they make is brief, her gaze just enough to let unease settle in their chest.

The magic in the atmosphere is impressive but feels almost suffocating in their current circumstance.

Within moments, Eda's curse begins to awaken, the repercussions being subtle but immediate. Muddled grays and blacks within a ring of gold corrupting the surrounding nature, eating away at the forest surrounding them, growing in strength as the seconds ticked by.

Unwillingly, Raine picked up the distressed cries from who could only be Darius and Eberwolf, soon followed by the faint stench of burning flesh, they furrowed their brow, concentrating on the melody; ignoring the bile in their throat.

"It's working, keep playing," Raine looked up at Eda, her gaze reminiscent of the smirks she wore at Hexside, having just pulled some incredibly intricate prank on their disgruntled principal.

Raine's gaze dropped to the ground as the corruption began to ascend their body, "Look," they paused as pins and needles, accompanied by bone-deep numbness permeated their skin, "We may not make it out ourselves." They saw her gaze drop as well, concern washing over her features while apathy kept her playing.

"But it'll stop the emperor, right?" She was correct, of course. They refused to listen to the nagging voice in their head that insisted otherwise as they nodded.

"Then we play on!" She insisted, whipping her head around, looking anywhere but in their direction.

They looked away as well, resigning themselves to the discomfort and malcontent that they felt. They thought back to their BAtTs, thanking the Titan that they weren't here to bear witness to the destruction.

The air was becoming thicker, the smell of charred tissue reaching a crescendo.

Their eyes burned as tears spilled out, their body desperately trying to expel the ash and soot that was rapidly clogging their senses and coating their skin while their mind tried to think of anything but the fact that Eda was so willing to die.

This was more than just self-sacrifice, Raine realized. They knew close to nothing about her now.

"What happened to us? " They thought, but they knew good and well what had happened to them.

The numbness had reached their torso by this point, they struggled to stay upright enough to continue playing.

Eda finally turned to face them, the movement looked agonizing; the tears streaming down her face mirrored theirs. There was a spark of fear in her eyes as they bore into their own. The music began to taper off, slowing as the ash reached their arms.

Eda coughed, the hot, dry air constricting both of their airways, simply breathing had become excruciating. In the back of Raine's mind, they realized they couldn't move. Like some sort of sick and twisted version of petrification.

Despite the anguish in their lungs and body, nothing could compare to the guilt that was crushing their chest; it wouldn't be long now.

Raine took a shuddering breath, struggling not to cough, "I'm sorry, Eda," they rasped, "I should've tried harder, I'm so sorry." They wheezed, the notes coming from their viola were nothing but a minute whine every few seconds.

"Hey, " Eda's saccharine sweet tone stood out amongst the chaos, "It's okay, Rainestorm," she forced herself to inhale, "I'm sorry too." Her sun and moon eyes shone: forgiveness .

Raine squeezed their own eyes shut, they could feel the texture of stone permeating their body as the music stopped altogether. They couldn't hold on, "Eda, I love you," they cried, "I never stopped." The corruption crawled up their neck, creeping into their head, they cracked open their eyes to see her in a similar state.

"I didn't either," she croaked, shutting her eyes, "I love you, too."

"Goodbye Eda."

"See ya, Rainestorm."

Days, weeks, months, years pass. Two statues face each other, the world moving around them. A plaque is added in between the two. It reads:

Eda Clawthorne & Raine Whispers


A testament to the wonders of wild magic

A reminder of those who were lost

See for notes on this story...

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