17 - Part 1: Let's Party!

Start from the beginning

"Hey!" He opens the door wider to let me in and I take in a deep breath, which quickly proves to be detrimental on my part as the wonderful fragrance of apple and cinnamon invades my lungs. As soon as I step past the threshold, I notice the decorations filling the walls, floors and any available space, really, around the entrance.

"Wow, you guys really go all out," he walks past me with a proud grin.

"Obviously," he grabs my hand, taking me completely by surprise, and starts pulling me up the stairs. "Come on, Julian's still on panic mode, he can't decide what to wear, so he wants to try and match with you since apparently you're the only one here with 'a good sense of fashion," I can't see his face, since I'm walking behind him, but for some reason, I can just sense he's rolling his eyes.

A familiar spark of some sorts runs through me once his words properly register in my brain. The same spark that I feel when creativity or motivation strikes me at work. "Good thing I came prepared," I switch places with him, running past him and pulling him with me with the assumption in mind they're all gathered in their room.

With my inhibitions out the window at the mentions of a fashion crisis, I push the door open to reveal clothing scattered beyond belief all over the floor. I can hear Sebastian coming from somewhere in the room trying to reason with his lover, but clearly to no avail at the sound of his never-ending pleas.

I jog over to their walk-in closet and see a laser-focused Julian eyeing his clothes hanging on the lower half of his side of the closet. The tallest notices me first and walks over with a face that screams he's officially given up. I do take in the fact that his upper body is still bare as well. As much as I would love to sweep my gaze over him like I did before with the very man hiding in the bathroom now, we have to get a move on if we want to be on time. So, I meet him halfway and start going through his clothes first, completely ignoring his curious eyes watching me the entire time.

Once satisfied, I gesture for the man to follow me to the unlocked bathroom, pushing him in with a shrieking Asher. "Put that on," I yell from the other side of the door. Before I go back to the closet, I backtrack and mutter a quiet „please," hoping they'll hear that through the door. Chuckles reaching my ears tells me they did, in fact, hear me just fine.

I jog over to a still panicking Julian and put my full focus on him. Julian ends up looking away from his clothes at the commotion outside of the closet. His eyes wander from my face, where they happen to linger the longest, and they slowly go down my body. My feet shuffle in place, waiting for his opinion on the outfit. All my confidence has flown out the window as soon as his scrutinization began.

Eventually, his eyes find mine again, startling me at first. Then, a single nod and a relieved smile lets me know that he does want to match with me. I let out my own breath of relief at that, knowing I'll be able to find something he'll be happy with.

I try my best to find matching red clothing in his closet. If it hasn't been obvious already, I always come prepared. So, I shuffle over to the backpack I brought with me and pull out one of my own shirts from home.

"Here, this should be perfect," I remind him not to judge it before he at least tries it on. While he stares at the stuff I forced into his hands, I notice his wet hair running down his bare back and my mind starts trailing off to the way he could style it.


The others eventually trudge out of the bathroom and I nod at my own work as I trail my gaze over Sebastian's deep red suit that seems to compliment his complexion in the exact way I hoped it would. I don't even notice my own staring until they clear their throats, forcing me to turn away and actually verbally compliment them instead of awkwardly staring at them. "You look amazing, both of you," I watch my feet walk along the wooden floor to hide the pink in my cheeks, stopping in front of them to fuss with their outfits.

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